Advent of the Wurm in Control

Standard forum

Posted on July 25, 2014, 12:05 a.m. by TheGamer

I'm trying to get a better mainboard against MBD, and thought Advent of the Wurm would be good. I know a 5/5 trample is just asking for removal but since its an instant I can play it end of their turn when they probably played Nightveil Specter or attacked aggressively with Pack Rat . Note I run Sylvan Caryatid as a 4 of so a turn 3 Wurm is probable.

Also, its good against lots of decks in general. Most GW Aggro decks wont be prepared for the control deck to randomly flash in a random 5/5 Wurm. Even with monsters. I'd be GLAD to trade my wurm for a Polukranos, World Eater .

Any opinions would be appreciated since a Primer IQ is coming up for me! Thanks in advance!

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