An FNM report!
Standard forum
Posted on June 2, 2013, 10:05 a.m. by Ohthenoises
Something I'm going to try to keep up on.
So recently on Live Long and Populate I've been getting a lot of comments about how my matchup against aggro will suck. As if to prove those comments wrong my last FNM saw me against 2 aggro decks (not counting the fun match afterwards) and 2 midrange decks.
Went 4-0 on the night.
Match 1: 2-0 v.s. Orzhov Extort with Debt to the Deathless powered by Crypt Ghast . Not a bad deck but it's hard to keep up with the lifegain involved on my side even if you ARE extorting for 5+ per turn. Against any other decks this would have been a powerful deck and I believe he went at least 2-2 on the night.
Match 2: 2-0 v.s. Simic stuff. This opponent was very new to the game and the match was kind of one sided but, on the other hand, she did have two Crowned Ceratok s getting fed counters from two Ivy Lane Denizen s in both games.
Match 3: 2-1 v.s. Naya RDW with Boros Reckoner , Stromkirk Noble , Hellrider , and Flinthoof Boar . His only win came off of a well timed Skullcrack to prevent Centaur Healer from gaining me 6 life (Trostani, Selesnya's Voice was out).
Match 4: 2-0 v.s. Rakdos aggro with Rakdos Cackler , Rakdos Shred-Freak , Spike Jester , Stromkirk Noble , and Hellrider . Fairly unremarkable in that I stalled with Centaur Healer , dropped an Advent of the Wurm as a flash blocker, used Restoration Angel to flicker Centaur Healer , and followed that by an Angel of Serenity to clear the way for an alpha strike.
Fun match: 2-0 v.s. Naya Blitz, the full fledged net deck. Game one stalled out as normal then whomped with Cyclonic Rift . Game two however was far more hilarious. Got out an Angel of Serenity and was unable to alpha strike due to his life gained from a Nearheath Pilgrim from sideboard. I made a copy of Angel of Serenity with Progenitor Mimic and got him in a mimic/serenity lock and was able to win from there.
I am really beginning to love Bant lifegain and if you have the cards for it, build it, you will enjoy every game.
sylvannos says... #2
I don't know why people would say that deck would have a problem vs. looks like a really strong Bant Midrange. The life gain alone is enough to make aggro decks shake in their boots.
June 3, 2013 4:57 a.m.