Anti Aggro Help

Standard forum

Posted on March 31, 2013, 3:25 a.m. by FLESHER7

Hello everyone I am in progress of building a sideboard for my BUG deck and one deck I got owned against was Aggro. My friend also runs an Aggro, and I can't seem to win. Any anti-meta cards I can run? Deck is on my deckling it's called stamdard BUG midrange.(I can't make the link)

sylvannos says... #2

Fixed the link: BUG Midrange.

For one, you need four Farseek . It's the core of any standard midrange deck that has green. Thragtusk on turn four is just brutal for aggro to deal with. You may even consider Arbor Elf for the same reasons, especially if it helps you get a Vampire Nighthawk out on turn two.

Lotleth Troll is very difficult for aggro to get around because of his ability to regenerate or get huge out of nowhere.

Wolfir Silverheart is another solid choice and is an absolute brick wall, but unfourtunately occupies the same slot as Thragtusk .

Duskmantle Seer is horrible against aggro because they're not taking enough damage to justify giving them free cards. Zombies, for example, already uses Sign in Blood . Making them draw into Gravecrawler or RDW draw Thunderbolt is just bad news for you. Bloodline Keeper  Flip solves having a fat creature, as well as making tokens to chump block. If you need card draw, Prime Speaker Zegana might be a better choice.

March 31, 2013 4:11 a.m.

2 more Abrupt Decay , and 4x Gloom Surgeon should be enough considering you already have 2 Decays, 4 Thragtusk s, and 4 Vampire Nighthawk in the main. Board out Duskmantle Seer and Forbidden Alchemy for the 6 above cards

March 31, 2013 4:13 a.m.

FLESHER7 says... #4

Thanks for all the great ideas, i will take them into consideration. but im looking for a stop in the early game like turn two, and thragtusk sometimes doesn't even get out when im playing against it. I need some sideboard cards to side in that will just slow aggro down a ton. Maybe i shouldve said i needed sideboard help not main deck... sorry

March 31, 2013 11:17 a.m.

Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant 2 Abrupt Decay and 4 Gloom Surgeon in the sideboard, not the main. Also, Augur of Bolas is ridiculous against aggro - it comes in, finds you a kill spell, then either blocks or eats a Searing Spear that was meant for your face.

March 31, 2013 4:11 p.m.

FLESHER7 says... #6

Augur of Bolas is actually a really great idea... how many should i run in the sideboard?

March 31, 2013 4:39 p.m.

Maybe 2-3. Depends on how much space you have.

March 31, 2013 5:55 p.m.

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