Are draw spells worth countering?

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 4, 2014, 11:02 p.m. by mattstr

Izzet Aggro Control Playtest

Standard mattstr


I currently play a deck with a fair few counterspells (take a look and give feedback on it either here or on the deck page if you like). I'm wondering if draw spells like Divination , Sphinx's Revelation , Opportunity etc, etc are worth countering when the opponent plays them. So far I haven't bothered countering them even when I have the chance because I believe it's better to save my mana and my counterspells for more dangerous cards but I could be wrong. What do you think?

On another topic, I'm thinking about adding Essence Backlash to the deck I linked above. I think it might fit in well since I'm using a lot of counterspells now. There's no denying that it's a great counter for creatures but I'm not sure about putting it in my deck yet because it's mana cost is high for a counterspell.

Myogenesis says... #2

Firstly, Essence Backlash is a pretty bad choice for the reasons you said, its very specific to creatures-only and costs way too much to be effective.

Secondly, I could see big draws such as Opportunity and especially Sphinx's Revelation to be worth countering. A lot of times this is to refresh their hands with more answers, whether it's counters or removal or even a creature. Denying this puts them down mana, a card, and removes their card advantage they were going to get. Cards like Divination however is more of a chance...but I see what you mean, if you let it through and they get say the AEtherling they needed, it's no skin off your nose because you can just counter it. I would still say go for the draw spells though.

However, I don't normally play control/I don't have a lot of experience at it. But that makes sense to me.

January 4, 2014 11:12 p.m.

cr14mson says... #3

counter draw spells? yes and no, depends on your deck and the opponent's. some people put it there because they just 'feel' like it. some purposely put it there to cycle faster through their library and get their key cards in hand, for that infinite combo. BUT if you think you can deal with whatever they'll be putting down, then save your mana

January 4, 2014 11:15 p.m.

bigv54 says... #4

Counter Sphinx's Revelation every time. As a U/W and U/W/R control player, I have to say getting my sphinx's rev countered is the worst thing you can do to me besides Pithing Needle or Slaughter Games AEtherling . Decks that use it do so to prevent lethal from the lifegain and grab the card they need to end the game. They like to chain it together by drawing a rev off of a resolved rev, and if you can stop it do it!

Arguments could be made for Opportunity but I would allow Divination . JUST MAKE SURE YOU COUNTER THE REV!!!!

January 4, 2014 11:34 p.m.

Slycne says... #5

There is no ironclad rule. Every boardstate is going to be a little different and recognizing when and where to fight over spells resolving is important.

Most of the time, it's incorrect to fight over card draw. A Sphinx's Revelation is never going to win a game of magic by itself, and I've baited my fair share of opponents into countering an end of their turn Sphinx's Revelation only to slap an uncontested win-condition the next turn. In general, it's better to fight over resolving your win condition or stopping theirs.

But like I said, sometimes you will be in a situation where you're effectively going to loose to Sphinx's Revelation or maybe you're flooded on counter spells and just need to interact more with your opponent.

January 5, 2014 12:50 a.m.

Sov92 says... #6

I stand with those who would counter bigger draw spells like Sphinx's Revelation but as someone who runs it myself I typically do it when someone taps themselves out.

January 5, 2014 9:30 a.m.

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