Arlinn vs Gideon: Which is better?

Standard forum

Posted on March 19, 2016, 10:42 p.m. by CheeseBro

Which is better: Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon or Gideon, Ally of Zendikar?

They both make tokens and buff them all.

2austin5 says... #2

Its a tough call. Arlinn has the advantage of being a bit more versatile. By pure theory alone, Gideon is easier to cast, but now put that into context of the types of decks that may want these cards, double white may be more of a stressor than RG. If you are looking just for the token buffs, I would say Arlinn is better. However, I would say that Gideon has the bonus of being able to power through himself and not suffer for it.

All in all, I would give a slight advantage to Arlinn. She protects herself in two ways the turn she drops(+1 leaves a blocker up for you) or create the token if the protection is needed. Her flip makes her more versatile by having more abilities to use. She can now act as the "finishing blow" buff with trample, but can still defend herself with her -1 bolt. So in essence, she defends herself until the board state is favorable (obviously this is a broad statement, but Im taking this in a vacuum)

March 19, 2016 11:02 p.m.

capriom85 says... #3

Gideon can make them regardless of triggers. You get a 2/2 every turn if you want it. Arlinn can make one every other turn at best. Gideon wins the token battle.

Gideon provides an anthem that cannot be removed. Every single creature you control for the rest of the game is bigger. Arlinn makes an anthem that doesn't actually buff but allows your creatures to attack into then without fear of blockers. Both are pretty situational but I tend to feel Arlinn's anthem may be better in most cases on this one. Arlinn's pump is inferior to this though because it's until end of turn where Godeon gives forever.

Arlinn's removal is cool. Useful,but again, at best every other turn. Gideon can bash some face every turn and can't die.

I think Gideon is the better walker card but I won't be surprised to see Arlinn played a lot too. Safer investment is Gideon on my opinion.

March 19, 2016 11:06 p.m.

Atony1400 says... #4

Gideon, he's got better color advantage (looking at you, Intangible Virtue, Secure the Wastes, and Honor of the Pure)

March 19, 2016 11:20 p.m.

GearNoir says... #5

Gideon pushes you to end game, Arlinn is flavor and uniqueness factor.

March 19, 2016 11:23 p.m.

nfcnorth says... #6

Arlin plays so much better with other creatures than Gideon that I think it is tough to see them in the same role. Anthems are great and all but sometimes you just want haste and the ability to beat face or trample to get through.

Sometimes the Gideon emblem will be better and sometimes Arlin's pumps are going to be better but if I had to bet on which would be more likely to be helpful I would personally think Arlin is more likely to be helpful. Mainly because the versatility of two very different yet still powerful buffing abilities (yes I know she only has access to one buff at a time but they both are stupid good in the late game) probably makes her a more threatening late game top deck than say a Giedon emblem or a generic 2/2.

One final difference between Gideon and Arlin I would like to note is I personally believe that Arlin's second activation (as in she survived a turn and get to use another ability) is more likely to demand a response than a second Gideon activation. A Lightning bolt has a much higher chance of being impactful than a non hasty 2/2 or a random attack for 5 with no evasion that can be chump blocked fairly easily.

+1/+1 and trample is also a huge problem most of the time for your opponents. Especially since your in Red a color that is known for suciding dudes for damage and then finishing you off later with burn/hasty threats and green the color most likely to be playing gigantic dudes faster than the other colors and smashing face with said giant dudes. In both cases the stat buff plus trample means your opponent is likely to take a huge amount of damage even if they can trade with your squad.

Normally I would hate on the R/G card and defend the White card to the death but in this case I will make an exception.

March 20, 2016 1:05 a.m.

beakedbard says... #7

How about just make a Naya tokens build and use both?

March 20, 2016 8:29 p.m.

Rothus says... #8

Arlinn has it when it comes to pure board disruption. She's able to make your creatures bigger while zapping your opponent in the face.

Gideon however gives you more board stability. He comes in at a high enough loyalty to not straight out die to an instant spell. He's able to make chump blockers for day. He can swing with himself for even more damage. And can throw down Anthem after anthem.

Both are strong cards and will see standard play. I really do expect an Atarka Midrange deck with her in it.

March 21, 2016 2:46 p.m.

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