Athreos in Abzan Midrange?

Standard forum

Posted on Oct. 18, 2014, 12:51 a.m. by He_Who_Seizes_Thoughtseize

I've been thinking of adding some spice to my Abzan Midrange list and this card has been a consideration as an addition for a while. Discuss?

VampireArmy says... #2

well at the 3 mana, you're either dropping brimaz, demon, anafenza, courser, boon satyr for it. can you really justify not having a creature when you need a creature? As far as i've seen that deck starts to sweat when they can't apply immediate pressure

October 18, 2014 1 a.m.

I was thinking that it could help turn non-threats like early game Caryatids into threats by either giving me repeatable blockers or making my opponent lose life with having the upside of making Rhinos even more insane by making it so you either take 3 when it dies, or give me a six point life swing with a 4/5 body to back it up. Also, my list tends to feel more grindy and controlly as opposed to other Abzan lists I've seen. I know we aren't supposed to posts decks on this forum, but if you go to my page, my list is there as it currently exists. I was thinking about cutting the Lions and the Anafenza for 2 Athreos, 2 Sorin in the main, and a fifth card, plus changing up the sideboard to accommodate. Actually, the main thing I'm trying to replace from my list is the playset of Lions, since I really don't care for them, but I also don't want to drop the $60 for a pair of Elspeths or Nissas.

October 18, 2014 1:17 a.m.

JDX says... #4

It seems to me like Athreos, God of Passage might be a neat post-board addition to combat when your mirror opponent brings in End Hostilities or Duneblast. Using Athreos as a 1-of (and Liliana Vess as a pseudo-2nd copy) will give you a major advantage in any board stalls which seem to be happening quite a bit in Abzan mirrors.

October 20, 2014 4:46 p.m.

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