Attrition in Standard?

Standard forum

Posted on Feb. 17, 2014, 3:01 p.m. by Servo_Token

Hey guys,

so i'm looking to build a new deck. I wanted to get away from the Revelation Control that I have been playing since DGM. So far, i've tried out Big aggro (GW, Big Boros), little aggro (RDW, WW), and pretty much every midrange deck that Theros had to offer (MUD, RWB, Bant, Esper humans). I didn't really like anything that this standard season had to offer. So with that in mind, I think i'm going to leash my spike side and get back to brewing.

The point: What are the 'top tier' attrition based cards and decks that are available in Standard? I'd like to try out black, but the last thing that I want to do is make stock mono black devotion. I've been running Smallpox in Modern, and I'd absolutely love cards and decks that operate like this.

So far, I'm thinking of BWx control using Obzedat and BBoV, or possibly Mono White control using Planar Cleansing and Fated Retribution . Thoughts on this?

Thanks for any help here.

lincolk says... #2

I am not a huge control player and usually don't build decks around it but just to inform myself how would you create a mono white control deck and build up to those high cmc wipes without losing first?

February 17, 2014 3:12 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

Yeah, that's a work in progress. I was thinking something along the lines of early game devotion based ramp, but then that would turn into stock mono white devotion, which while it is only tier 3, is still a thing already.

In short, I don't know. It was just an idea I had this morning.

February 17, 2014 3:14 p.m.

Schmuckey says... #4

Look at this deck I've had fun in standard with and is very unique. Golgari Perfected early ramp, big creatures, oh a lot of fun

February 17, 2014 3:18 p.m.

Behgz says... #5

Obzedat, Ghost Council is a great card, and being able to blink him out then cast a Fated Retribution at instant speed would be devestating.

As far as an attrition based deck, there are cards like Frenzied Tilling but being G/R doesn't really fit the BW/x theme you mentioned.

There's extort, most famously Blind Obedience albeit an enchantment in a new set full of hate directed specifically at enchantments, it can be the difference maker, I'm sure you tried it out in UW control and know it can swing a game back over the course of a few turns. But I can see how that isn't going to satisfy the Attrition based deck you so desire.

It sounds like your into the idea of mass wrath effects and U/W would give you access to some of the best in standard;

Supreme Verdict - no explanation required.

Planar Cleansing a reprint but in the right deck can be devestating, *see Detention Sphere for nombos.

Whelming Wave my personal fav from Born of the Gods.

Fated Retribution prolly gonna see more of this as Superfriend decks pop up, most notably

Bant Walker's BNG 2014 Playtest

Standard Behgz


Fated Retribution could wreck a superfriends deck like this.

based on the fact that two are white, and two have blue, a U/W wrath deck would seem to be right up your alley, throw in Thassa, God of the Sea and Ephara, God of the Polis add in Spear of Heliod and Detention Sphere there will be Jace, Architect of Thought and of course Elspeth, Sun's Champion Plenty of non-creature/indestructible perms that are totally fine watching you lay down wrath after wrath.

Seems like a fun deck XD

February 17, 2014 3:20 p.m.

kmcree says... #6

If you're looking for something fun that hasn't really been done much, I would play around with Orzhov. I never see anything like that around. You could use something like Blind Obedience to slow the opponent down, give you some extort, and use black spot removal for control. Eventually drop a BBoV or Obzedat and win. The Baron is especially good in the current format with all the MBD decks.

February 17, 2014 3:22 p.m.

kmcree says... #7

At the last FNM, I also ran into a very interesting B/R/W control deck. Haven't seen anything like it before. It used burn, black spot removal, and Boros Reckoner early game, with elspeth, BBoV, and Obzedat the finish. Might also be worth playing around with.

February 17, 2014 3:24 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #8


Yes, that deck sounds really flippin awesome! XD Love me some whelming wave. However, if I make that deck, the only thing that i'll hear is 'Y U NO SPHINX"S REV?!?!". I'll definitely be trying that out post rotation though. Thanks for the idea.


I tried out the Golgari Dredge deck a while ago, and it was far too susceptible to c-c-c-combo breakers. Scooze was an issue when I tried it out, though it seems to have gone away since then. I can definitely try it again with some personal twists.

kmcree I'm working on orzhov something right now. I've also got a RWB midrange deck built, and the reason that i'm switching out of it is because it's far too slow. By the time I have my big thing out, the green deck has a bigger thing that I can't deal with. Im trying to move it from 5 drop to 3 drop oriented.

February 17, 2014 3:30 p.m.

lincolk says... #9

So after I read this article I started trying to throw together a mono white control deck... I have two main ideas so far... Of course one is an enchantment based control deck pretty cliche however but my other idea I feel might be interesting and is based off devotion using that new devotion prevent card along with cards like riot control and stuff like that.

February 17, 2014 3:38 p.m.

flyguy says... #10

Based on your description, Orzhov control is perfect. Its basically mono black without Gary or some of the other devotion cards. Tons of removal, and BBoV and Obzedat, Ghost Council to finish it off. Variants of it have placed really well, too. That is how some play it, I prefer it with some more white cards.

February 17, 2014 4:03 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #11


I'd love to see one of your more white oriented lists as well, thanks!

February 17, 2014 4:06 p.m.

flyguy says... #12

I threw this together for you based on a few decks that have done well. Its not as white heavy as you would probably hope but it definitely is more white than some others. I'm sure it can be improved with more time and effort (and removal):

Those who resist the bank shall suffer Playtest

Standard flyguy


February 17, 2014 4:31 p.m.

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