Aurelia's Fury being cast in response to a spell?
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Posted on June 16, 2013, 10:42 p.m. by Harbing
My question is, if an opponent casts a non-creature spell, and I tap three mana and cast Aurelia's Fury to deal one damage to him/her in response, does the ability of Aurelia's Fury cause his spell to fizzle or does it resolve and do nothing more than deal one damage to him/her?
My thoughts are, when being added to the stack, that since the card says "that player can't cast non-creature spells this TURN", that the opponent's spell would be negated, but I may be wrong. I'm still quite new to MTG, so I'm hoping someone can explain this thoroughly to me.
Thanks in advance!
Epochalyptik says... #3
Aurelia's Fury does nothing to spells that were cast before Aurelia's Fury itself resolves. It just prevents the damaged player(s) from casting any noncreature spells after Aurelia's Fury resolves.
Also, questions like this are best asked in the Q&A.
June 16, 2013 10:51 p.m.
Also Render Silent wouldn't need the counter target spell bit.
June 16, 2013 10:52 p.m.
Thanks, I will put questions like this in the Q&A from this point forward.
So, I suppose I'm not quite understanding how "the stack" works, then... because, in my logic (correct any fallacies in my logic please), if an opponent casts a spell, that spell is now on the stack, then if Aurelia's Fury is cast in response, it is now on the top of the stack. Now, disassembling the stack, Aurelia's Fury resolves, saying that the opponent can not cast non-creature spells this turn... so, if Aurelia's Fury should resolve FIRST, and the card says, player cannot cast non-creature spells this TURN, I guess I'm confused as to how that would not effect the opponent's spell if it was cast in response...
June 16, 2013 11:26 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
You've answered your own question. The opponent's spell has already been cast, and it is now on the stack. The casting process is over, and the object is now a spell that's waiting to resolve. Aurelia's Fury prevents the damaged players from casting spells, not from resolving spells. The casting and resolving processes are different.
June 16, 2013 11:29 p.m.
harrydemon117 says... #7
Epochalyptik explains it well enough.
My only suggestion is if you want to prevent them from casting anything, cast Aurelia's Fury during their upkeep or draw phase BEFORE they get to the main phase 1. Otherwise you would need a counterspell
Demarge says... #2
Aurelia's Fury can only keep that player from casting non creature spells, spells that are already on the stack are not effected as they have already been cast.
Think of it this way, if fury works the way you think it does, how much would Silence be worth then? definitely not $2.50 as it'd be the best counterspell ever.
June 16, 2013 10:50 p.m.