Back from the dead

Standard forum

Posted on Sept. 24, 2015, 8:21 p.m. by 2austin5

Im back after like a half year hiatus! Im thinking about getting back into standard (which I haven't payed much attention to since like ravnica). I want to focus more on BFZ standard, what is shaping up to look good for that or even what decks will hold through rotation?

IsThisWolfe says... #2

Lifegain and counter decks look like they'll be really good and esper control with eldrazi will also be a thing, you can check out my Abzan lifegain/counter deck for ideas How much life do i have again? (BFZ)

September 24, 2015 9:04 p.m.

Dalektable says... #3

Here is a bit of a prediction on my part.

Abzan will still be a thing, my guess is it will be less controlling and leaning more towards an aggro Hangarback Walker build.

Azorius/Dimir/Esper Control will almost certainly be a thing, all three have their merits and will most likely have a place in standard.

GR/UG/Temur Midrange will most likely be a thing. Ramp into Eldrazi seems to be a solid strategy.

I don't know if this has the potential of being tier one, but BR Sacrifice is a deck I have been testing and it seems very strong. Smothering Abomination + Hangarback Walker is sweet.

Jeskai seems viable, most likely a Jace / Mantis Rider build.

I'm of the opinion W/x aggro will be a thing. Gideon and Sorin are a sweet combo, and the color provides a lot of low-costed efficient creatures and removal.

Collected Company elves may finally have it's chance in the spotlight, the deck has the support from origins to be successful.

Atarka Red may be a thing, but IMO the deck actually seems like a weak choice for once.

Thats all i've got off the top of my head, we can't really know yet though.

September 24, 2015 10:23 p.m.

2austin5 says... #4

Im pretty hesitant towards life gain as I've always seen it as a bit gimmicky. And I know we won't know for sure I just want to see what the field could possibly offer. I have seen some articles on Bx sacrifice and it looks like a lesser reiteration of aristocrats making a comeback but I don't know how resilient it can be.

I am happy you think that control shells will have their place though, that is certainly where I would be leaning. I would like to see the Liliana from origins doing work in UB or Esper

September 24, 2015 11:15 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #5

Heres my predictions:

Abzan will be good I personally think that abzan aggro will be one of the first consistent top tier decks and abzan control will follow after it.

Sultai control still is fantastic, Den Protector, Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, Dig Through Time, counter and kill spells they still have them and itll be strong for sure especially with the supported mana base

Esper dragons/control I think this will be powerful because I think dragons will be powerful eventually you just fly over your opponent with dragons adn kill them fun times. It barely loses anything and I think itll be al ittle bit better with less green heavy decks playing Gaea's Revenge

Abzan Rally- I dont think this will be an immediate tier one deck but itll run something close to aristocrats and with less instand speed removal it could be pretty powerful. It still has all of its cards and is still potent.

Jeskai aggro/tempo/maybe control- I could see jeskai definitely being a powerhouse coming up. The aggressive ones are a bit better than control bu control could have a place. Playing Mantis Rider into Thunderbreak Regent into Dragonlord Ojutai is a pile of very hard to deal with threats not to mention they can play Draconic Roar and kill your things.

Mardu- I think mardu dragons has a place its not quite as powerful as the other clans but It has promise because it can play a few more dragons for its roars and such. Plus Hangarback Walker tokens and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury is fun haha.

There are plenty of other decks that you could look into but these are the ones I could see from the start doing very well and continue to do so in the coming months.

September 25, 2015 12:17 a.m.

TheAnnihilator says... #6

If I end up playing, I'm just going to force UW Control. I really came here to say this...

Welcome back, 2austin5!

September 25, 2015 8:40 a.m.

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