Bant control?
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 18, 2015, 11:31 p.m. by thewyzman
Kiora, Master of the Depths has me kinda excited (always loved Kiora and Simic). I'm thinking of going control; Simic splashing white for access to additional board control like Stasis Snare...
- Any thoughts toward a Simic or Bant control deck once BFZ comes in?
Suggestions, ideas, sample deck lists, must-have card mentions, etc. are all welcome. I want to get my creative juices flowing!
Iehovah Awaken I think may be too expensive, and usually you'll tap out to cast one card for Awaken pretty much. Plus I just don't see how Planar Outburst is better than End Hostilities.
Bant Control seems like it could totally be a thing. Use your typical cards for control and than just run Kiora, Master of the Depths, Gideon, Ally of Zendikarand maybe some mix of Dragonlord Dromoka and Dragonlord Ojutai as the win conditions.
September 19, 2015 9:08 a.m.
SomethingRandom says... #4
The point of Planar Outburst is that if you're running an awaken deck it leaves your land creatures while End Hostilities kills them too.
September 19, 2015 10:02 a.m.
Dissolve is leaving. With the impending resurgence of allies I'm almost thinking BUG control could be a better option?
September 19, 2015 3:54 p.m.
I'm wondering if flash/bounce creatures could help
Iehovah says... #2
what about a deck revolving around awaken? you could use cards like halimar tidecaller and Planar Outburst.
September 19, 2015 3:18 a.m.