Bant in Gatecrash?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 8, 2013, 7:26 p.m. by bml1359
What do you think should be added to the Bant list once gatecrash comes out? Is Bant still going to be a deck?
evil_monkey says... #3
Rapid Hybridization will only make that list better.
January 8, 2013 7:28 p.m.
Bant Control probably won't change too much both in its relative power and in the deck construction. Sweepers, Thragtusk and planeswalkers are not suddenly going to stop being relevant. Although it's still really early to tell considering only like a 1/4 of the set has been spoiled.
A few cards that might make a splash in the side or main. Rapid Hybridization , as mentioned already, against anything midrange or playing a few big key creatures. RDW and BR Zombies curve topper Thundermaw Hellkite is a lot less menacing as a 3/3 on the ground. Stolen Identity maybe? Another Thragtusk or whatever their best creature is probably worth 1 more mana. Mystic Genesis is another possibility, though more builds that are even less tribal are running Cavern of Souls . And finally Urban Evolution might if Bant finds some spells in Gatecrash that it wants to even further ramp into.
The big one to watch out for and play around is Skullcrack . Many a Bant Control player loves to play that instant speed card:Sphinx's Revelation right before their demise. Bant stabilizes with big chunks of life and with planeswalkers, and Skullcrack deals with both, to some extent.
January 8, 2013 8:54 p.m.
we won't really know until the full list comes out. to be honest, i don't see Rapid Hybridization in most Bant lists, because most Bant lists don't mana dorks and the best way to use Rapid Hybridization is to turn your targeted by a kill spell Arbor Elf or card:Avacyn's Pilgrim into a 3/3.
other than Breeding Pool there isn't a for sure card to go into Bant when gatecrash drops.
maybe Mystic Genesis , perhaps as a one-of, and maybe a Prime Speaker Zegana for card advantage.
January 9, 2013 7:13 p.m.
evil_monkey says... #6
Rapid Hybridization is a good way to deal with Thragtusk and others followed by a Verdict. But you are right. It will be hard to tell until the whole set is revealed.
January 9, 2013 7:22 p.m.
personally, i think the best way to deal with Thragtusk is to Arrest it. if the Simic charm has at least two out of three good options, then it might see play in Bant
January 9, 2013 7:29 p.m.
Skullcrack is going to be very tricky for control to get around in general. As said earlier, bant control wins most games against aggro by casting the huge card:Sphinx's Revelation right before they are about to lose. Drawing x cards isn't nearly as good when it isn't accompanied by gaining x life to pull you out of a race.
bml1359 says... #2
deck:so-much-swag is my current Bant list. Comments or suggestions with what to do with it after Gatecrash comes out are welcomed and greatly appreciated.
January 8, 2013 7:28 p.m.