Bant ramp is gonna be a thing
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 19, 2013, 11:42 a.m. by NobodyPicksBulbasaur
Anybody else notice that Prime Speaker Zegana is freaking crazy good? I tossed her in a Bant midrange/ramp shell and she single-handedly wins the game every time she resolves.
Turn 4 (or 3) Thragtusk into a next turn Prime Speaker Zegana gives you a 6/6 for 6cmc, and then you draw 6 cards. What's not to love?
It's hard to believe she's only at about $12 right now, imho.
Ramp dat Bant for anyone who's interested.
Imagine you flashback Increasing Savagery on the Predator Ooze first, and then summon Prime Speaker Zegana , which makes her ... 20/20 depending what the ooze did, and draws a third of your deck.
January 19, 2013 2:35 p.m.
Increasing Savagery is bad but yeah Prime Speaker is defiantly cool. Uptap with her and restoration angel has the added effect of draw at least 4 cards.
January 21, 2013 5:33 p.m.
Yeah, you just drew 20 cards. Ill just play this Jace, Memory Adept , then bounce and tap all of your things with Cyclonic Rift and Feeling of Dread . Thanks for making my job easy.
Granted that It is going to be devastating for that to happen against other aggro and midrange decks, the control decks of the format are not really going to care that much. If you want to make a big threat against all fields, then consider going RUG so that you have access to cards like Thundermaw Hellkite . Super powerful 5 drop that enables a 6/6 draw 6 from zegana if you hit them on curve, oh and drawing into more of them from thundermaw is devastating aganist control and aggro alike. You woud also have access to Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius which is another card control has trouble dealing with.
January 21, 2013 6:36 p.m.
The Doctor says... #6
I feel like somebody is going to make a BUG Mill deck work with her, and Consuming Aberration .
TheOne4221 says... #2
Not only that, but some other crazy stuff can be done with her.
Predator Ooze turn 3, Increasing Savagery on it turn 4, then swing turn 4 and 5.
Predator Ooze is a 7+/7+ (depending on if it was blocked), and when Prime Speaker Zegana is summoned turn 6, shes an 8+/8+. Turn 7: Flashback Increasing Savagery on Zegana, making her 18+/18+.
January 19, 2013 2:19 p.m.