Best 2cmc removal for Esper Dragons

Standard forum

Posted on Feb. 13, 2016, 7:19 p.m. by Shill

So I am looking at how to fill my 2 drop removal for epser dragons. I feel ultimate price just isnt that great with a lot of colourless and multicolour creatures running around. What do people think about: - immolating glare: instant speed and only requires 1 white mana.- grasp of darkness: best removal at this cost, but stretches mana base a bit needing double black- silk wrap: not instant speed and cant hit things like thoughtnot seer

each has its plus and minus please help

Silumgar's Scorn the things you can't remove before they hit :)

I found Swift Reckoning to be decent when I played Bant Dragons.

February 13, 2016 7:25 p.m.

astorre says... #3

Grasp doesn't stretch the manabase as much as youd think. Its your best option by far.

February 13, 2016 7:58 p.m.

TheHroth says... #4

Grasp of Darkness is definitely what I'd run.

February 13, 2016 11:02 p.m.

astorre says... #5

Unless you need grasp turn 2 best play is:

1: Swamp, Duress2: Island, Jace3: Hollow, Grasp or Scorn & flip (with fetches)

February 13, 2016 11:58 p.m.

mpeach1 says... #6

Yea I have to agree. Grasp is the best option at 2cmc, but if you're deck is stacked you may not really need it. In the sideboard maybe, but Immolating Glare is pretty great in that spot as well

February 14, 2016 1:03 a.m.

TheHroth says... #7

Until rotation, Immolating Glare is not good enough for mainboard use imo. Abzan and Wingmate Roc are still seeing enough play that allowing a creature to attack is bad.

February 14, 2016 3:21 a.m.

Hawko0313 says... #8

when dragons was at its strongest utilizing Hero's Downfall and Bile Blight it comfortably hit 2 black sources on 2 when it needed them, i could easily see Grasp of Darkness replacing bile blight here, ofcourse those decks had Thoughtseize as well so maybe i'm wrong in my assumption.

February 15, 2016 3:20 a.m.

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