Best Answers to Standard Archtypes

Standard forum

Posted on March 24, 2014, 2:38 p.m. by pipeteras

So lets assume for a second that I'm making a 5 color deck with nothing but answers for standard play. And lets assume that it can be done.

Which cards are the best answers to the different archetypes in standard?

You know the cards that are a shut down entire decks, and make your opponent resign to his inevitable fate

  • Mono-Black?
  • U/W Control
  • Mono Blue Aggro
  • RDW
  • BW Blue Devotion tempo
  • Orzhov Midrange
  • White Winnie
  • WR Aggro Control
  • Mono White Midrange
  • Orzhov Aggro
  • Magiclover318 says... #2

    Supreme Verdict Mizzium Mortars (Overloaded) Detention Sphere Anger of the Gods a lot of counterspells, idk haha just some things that come to mind.

    March 24, 2014 2:43 p.m.

    TurboFagoot says... #3

    There are no cards that shutdown entire decks. The B/W decks can answer something like Blood Baron, for instance. Slaughter Games is the closest you'll get, and even that's not very good.

    March 24, 2014 2:44 p.m.

    Behgz says... #4

    Mono-Black: Key cards here are Pack Rat

    Underworld Connections

    Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Desecration Demon .

    U/W Control: Key cards here are Sphinx's Revelation

    Detention Sphere

    Supreme Verdict and Azorius Charm .

    Mono Blue Aggro: Key cards here are Thassa, God of the Sea

    Master of Waves

    Bident of Thassa and Nightveil Specter .

    R/W Burn: Key cards here are Chandra's Pheonix

    Boros Charm

    Warleader's Helix and Mutavault .

    U/W Devotion: Key cards here are Thassa, God of the Sea

    Master of Waves

    Detention Sphere and Ephara, God of the Polis .

    Orzhov Midrange: Key cards here are Pack Rat

    Obzedat, Ghost Council

    Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Desecration Demon .

    White Weenie: Key cards here are Precinct Captain

    Brimaz, King of Oreskos

    Brave the Elements and Banisher Priest .

    The remaining three 'archetypes' you listed (WR Aggro Control, Mono White Midrange, and Orzhov Aggro) are basically already listed above as the are comprised of cards listed above in different arrangements. By focusing on the above archetypes these subsets will be covered too.

    I would suggest looking for cards that can do work against these high-profile cards listed here, things like Revoke Existence will take out Underworld Connections in a mono-black match-up, while also removing Thassa, God of the Sea in a mono-blue match-up.

    Last Breath can take out Mutavault as well as Chandra's Pheonix and even Courser of Kruphix assuming you play against G/R Monsters or the Jund variation of that.

    Supreme Verdict can't be countered and as a result will kill every creature save for indestructibility.

    Going 5-color is definitely not advisable, as it will most like be too busy and you'll end up drawing red or green cards with only white and black mana out, because of how un focused the mana base is in conjunction with the spells your running.

    I would suggets you play a U/W/X control list, maybe Esper or Bant control. Depending on your play style.

    March 24, 2014 2:59 p.m.

    Behgz says... #5

    Epochalyptik this should prolly be in the standard section.

    March 24, 2014 3:06 p.m.

    Funinak2 says... #6

    Adding to the the above list of answers, I've found Golgari Charm to be a great answer for Supreme Verdict granted you are playing G/B.

    March 24, 2014 3:28 p.m.

    DrLitebur says... #7

    Boros Charm is also a good answer to Divine Verdict , as is a Fleecemane Lion that is Monstrous. When I play my Selensya deck Counter THIS!, that and Elspeth, Sun's Champion 's +1 are how I re-establish board presence afterwards.

    But then again, my deck is atypical.

    March 24, 2014 4:47 p.m.

    trentfaris242 says... #8

    Why is there no GR or Jund Monsters listed? Did those already fall out of flavor?

    March 24, 2014 5:24 p.m.

    Epochalyptik says... #9

    Please read the forum descriptions before posting. Moved to Standard.

    March 24, 2014 6:11 p.m.

    Behgz says... #10

    @trentfaris242 I briefly cover G/R in the list I posted as a response, even though the Original Poster didn't mention G/R or Jund.

    I didn't really give any answer cards so much as point out the heavy hitters for the archetypes listed, leaving the task of 'answering' those cards up to your personal choice depending on the colors you want to play and your meta.

    March 24, 2014 6:16 p.m.

    pipeteras says... #11

    I'm not really trying to make a 5 color good-stuff/control/all-answers deck. But I'm jumping between different decks and are interested in making a control deck of some sort, so I'm looking for answers to the problems being posed by these archtypes.

    Like Golgari Charm vs. enchantments from BW control & good vs sweepers like Anger of the Gods & Supreme Verdict
    Revoke Existence vs. Gods and enchantments in mono black/ bw control / mono blue

    Currently I'm testing a Jund Control but I'm not opposed to trying different color combinations.

    March 24, 2014 6:16 p.m.

    pipeteras says... #12

    Will do, first post, Thank you Epochalyptik

    March 24, 2014 6:17 p.m.

    Behgz says... #13

    The best 'control' cards in Black or Red would likely be;

    Rakdos's Return


    Hero's Downfall


    Slaughter Games

    Aside from artifact or enchantment removal, Green doesn't provide much in terms of 'control' in the current standard card pool as it sits now.

    Like I suggested though, typically your best bet for a decent 'control' deck will be to go U/W/X either Esper or Bant control.

    March 24, 2014 6:26 p.m.

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