Best cards in Standard for a Sideboard ?
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 25, 2012, 3:39 a.m. by DePeluche
I know the list might be HUGE, but there should be some cards that cant be forgotten in any Sideboard
Can anyone tell me wich cards are the best for SB, for each color ? or at least some
I ask this because I really suck making SBs
atreyujames says... #3
sideboard cards are any cards that are uses to combat different decks in your meta.
good sideboard cards are cards like card:Grafdigger's Cage. as well any cards that help your deck perform better against a different deck style. if your meta is saturated with combo decks, something like Slaughter Games could help, or if your a control deck that's weak to aggro you could side in some more board wipes like Supreme Verdict when facing those decks.
bad sideboard cards are cards that you include because you couldn't fit them in your deck. its like having a jund midrange deck, wanting to play Olivia Voldaren , not having the room in your 60 so you put her in your 15. generally that's a bad idea. as well cards like the above Deadly Recluse are very bad because they are reliant on your opponents actions. if your meta is using some very annoying flying decks that your deck doesn't have an answer to, use more precise removal like Crushing Vines .
sideboards are very reliant on the deck your playing and your store or areas meta. if you tell us what deck your playing and likely going to be playing against, it would give us a better idea of some good cards for your sideboard
December 25, 2012 5:12 a.m.
atreyujames says... #4
sorry for my rambling, in answer to your real question; no there is not a list of sideboard cards that are an auto-include
December 25, 2012 5:13 a.m.
Im just scared for removals like Sever the Bloodline or Slaughter Games
Im playing a G/W Token Deck
December 25, 2012 5:26 a.m.
atreyujames says... #6
try things like card:Ranger's Guile are Witchbane Orb , that way they cant target you or your creatures
December 25, 2012 5:45 a.m.
slaps self
Wow I never seen those cards or tought about them....
Thank you, I might try and add them to my SB =)
December 25, 2012 5:51 a.m.
Rootborn Defenses can come up huge in G/W tokens against burn or Supreme Verdict .
Which would leave most of your problems left in black, in which card:Ranger's Guile can stop Sever the Bloodline and Sigarda, Host of Herons for Killing Wave .
December 25, 2012 9:48 a.m.
I have a g/w token deck, and in my sideboard I run Rootborn Defenses for board clear, card:Druid's Deliverance against aggro that is faster than me, Rest in Peace against reanimator, zombie, flashback, and golgari, and Nevermore against anything else I don't have an answer for. Other good g/w sideboards cards could include Loxodon Smiter if there's a lot of control and/or discard in your meta, Dryad Militant if the only graveyard strategy in your meta is flashback, Sundering Growth for any decks heavy with artifacts and/or enchantments, and probably several more I can't think of.
December 25, 2012 10:11 a.m.
I think Sigarda's good because she's a 5/5 Flying Hexproof machine for 5 relatively easy mana. The fact that it takes nothing less than a board-wipe to remove her with a spell is the reason she's being played.
Because, honestly, nobody runs Killing Wave beyond the kitchen table.
Sideboards don't come from some magical list of cards that are good in the sideboard. Sideboards are simply made up of cards that fill the gaps of your deck in certain match-ups. It also helps you against your local meta, which is what decks you typically see at your local game shop.
December 25, 2012 11:42 a.m.
Yeah I got the point now, thanks for all the help guys =)
December 25, 2012 11:48 a.m.
Fleetfiend says... #12
I'm going to throw Witchbane Orb out there as well. It's nice protection from burn, and many other cards that target a player as well.
I also don't think Cower in Fear is bad for dealing with tokens as well. It's pretty much Electrickery without the option for targetting a single creature, albeit more expensive.
Laboratory Maniac is good if there is someone with mill in your playgroup.
Lastly, Silklash Spider for dealing with flyers, including spirits, angels, you name it.
December 25, 2012 3:14 p.m.
Shrodinger says... #13
Best card in my opinion is Golgari Charm , destroying detention spheres, nuking Blood Artist or that 4/1 indestructible flying B/R vampire. It also regen all your creatures against Supreme Verdict ... no truly, that card is amazing.
spartanvi says... #2
Off the top of my head, and in no way comprehensive:
Pithing Needle
card:Tormod's Crypt
Ghost Quarter
Rest in Peace
Oblivion Ring
Sundering Growth
Planar Cleansing
Mizzium Mortars
Dryad Militant
Deadly Recluse
Detention Sphere
December 25, 2012 4:47 a.m.