Best Color Currently
Standard forum
Posted on Nov. 6, 2014, 10:05 p.m. by danthek84
So, first of all, what do you think is better in standard right now: mono-colored, dual-colored, or tri-colored?
Which combinations of each do you think is best?
I personally think that mono-red is the best mono-colored deck. That or mono-black. Abzan and jeskai are currently really good in standard. I personally think temur can do better. For 2 colored decks I think Orzhov is it.
What do you think?
Dalektable says... #4
I don't think you can say Jeskai is definitely the best tri-color wedge when Abzan takes up 25% of the meta.
November 6, 2014 10:10 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #5
Well, Jeskai and Abzan are certainly the strongest tri-coloured.
R/G Monsters or B/W Warriors are both strong. I also like U/G Villanous Wreath and UR Artifacts, but both aren't consistent enough to be top tier.
Mono-red aggro and mono-green goodstuff are the strongest currently. Mono-black has weakened considerably, and doesn't have enough answers.
November 6, 2014 10:11 p.m.
Abzan and Jeskai are the best tri-colors, Green and Red are the best mono-colors. GR and GB are probably the best two-color combinations.
The best color in Standard in general would probably be Green due to Courser/Caryatid and such, though White and Red are up there also.
They're all fairly balanced, each color has its powerhouses.
November 6, 2014 10:12 p.m.
I think mono-black is extremely good. You can control your opponents hand, make them discard and sacrifice. Tons of kill cards.
I just built a mono black deck The Hash Slinging Slasher
November 6, 2014 10:24 p.m.
That's not my deck... It should be The Hash-Slinging Slasher
November 6, 2014 10:25 p.m.
November 6, 2014 10:35 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #12
I've really been trying for Mardu to work in control...with absolutely middling success thus far. But I'm still thinking that this is due to operator error.
November 6, 2014 11:49 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #13
all are viable, dual is probably best. Green is best in mono.
November 7, 2014 12:09 a.m.
I think Sultai has the most potential. It has so many tools. Removal, big things, card draw, the best hexproof stomps things... I think by the end of the year, sultai will be a thing.
November 7, 2014 1:46 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #15
I'm pretty annoyed that White Weenies is basically terrible. We need it to work, Wizards. Give us White Weenies!
November 7, 2014 2:51 a.m.
White weenies isn't awful but it isn't the greatest
November 7, 2014 6:20 a.m.
OP_Magikarp says... #17
mono red and black are definitely strong. I personally prefer mono green with a splash of red. Being able to float 20 mana turn 5 and play Crater's Claws is just something that I can't pass up.
November 7, 2014 8:14 a.m.
einherjar.sorcerer says... #18
isn't a black deck generally more viable with a dash of other colors?
November 8, 2014 10:47 a.m.
They might make WW better with the following sets, you never know.
November 8, 2014 12:19 p.m.
WW decks are good, they are heroic now instead of swarm decks. But they can still bring the beats with its little dudes and up to 12 protection spells.
November 8, 2014 4:10 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #21
I think R/G monsters/ devotion is pretty bad ass right now. I also think for control to make a comeback its going to be B/U or W/U Wedge is Jeskai and Abzan all day with Mardu looking to make a running if they can get the right formula. They have access to some powerful walkers and the removal to make it happen in the form of a friends deck.(then again so does abzan and jeskai) MONO im going to have to say green devotion is too strong not take the spot, however MONO red is showing its teeth again and i like the super fast cant block this builds popping up. I love MONO white it just doesn't have the tools right now to stand alone.It really needs a Brave the Elements type of card to make it worth while. I would say the deck type i am surprised most by right now in standard is Combo. It performs so well that you really need to have a sideboard geared to beat it or have some type of answer at any rate.
November 8, 2014 4:22 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #22
all day.
Theres a super solid Mardu deck that can be put together.
Naya could be a beast... Brimaz, Rablemaster, Stormbreath Dragon, Courser...
bigguy99 says... #2
Jeskai is definitely the best tri color and monored will likely always be the best mono color deck in standard. Abzan is definitely strong too, but I don't think any of the other tri color decks can compete so much, although I've seen some good Temur stuff.
November 6, 2014 10:08 p.m.