Best home for Evolutionary Leap?
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 7, 2015, 3:06 a.m. by kengiczar
Trying to decide what kind of deck I want to use this in. Right now the following cards seem to work very well with it:
Hangarback Walker - Turns Evolutionary Leap into a Win/Win situation. Even if they plan on blowing it up and casting Languish you just sac some tokens in response and get new threats.
Raise the Alarm/Dragon Fodder/Hordeling Outburst - Can turn a mid to late game CMC 2 or 3 card into 2 or 3 better creatures.
Nighthowler - Rotating Soon, but as long as your not trying to "rush" to Nighthowler and play your creatures and sacrifice smartly this could have been amazing.
Some decks that seem to benefit from it:
- Rally the Ancestors type Combo deck. It seems like a decent back-up plan in case the opponent is playing Hallowed Moonlight.
- Token decks (Hordeling Outburst, Raise the Alarm, Dragon Fodder)
- Temur Thopters??
- Temur Aggro, replacing the Temur Ascendancy with this card helps grind out opponents. Eventually they will fumble not finding another removal quick enough and then you go in for the kill with Savage Knuckleblade or Shaman of the Great Hunt.
(lastly as a side note I got a buddy who plays Evolutionary Leap + Sneak Attack in a casual deck and the amount of times he's able to just tutor and refind Blightsteel Colossus is disgusting.)