Best Options Vs Jund Walkers

Standard forum

Posted on Aug. 20, 2014, 2:37 p.m. by PetahXtreme

Hey there! So my local store is filled with Jund walkers decks and Monsters STD (R/G). I like playing control a lot but dont have the azorius shocks. My pool is actually kinda grixis, I have Blood Crypt , Steam Vents , Watery Grave and Mana Confluence .

Is it viable to fight my local store meta with this colors? Or should I try a U/B , R/B control?

Just for you guys to know, I have cards like Thoughtseize , Rakdos's Return , Anger of the Gods , Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver Jace Architect and Memory adept, lots of counters, burn spells and removal like Dreadbore , Hero's Downfall

Thanks in Adv :P

Rasta_Viking29 says... #2

Standard Jund decks tend to punish control decks. The correct way to beat Jund is to play an aggressive strategy that can take advantage of their tapped lands and mana stumbles. Reach and evasion to seal the deal after their heavy hitters show up is important as well.

Decks with good match ups vs Jund Walkers: Mono-Blue Devotion, Burn, Rabble Red, Boss Sligh, G/W Aggro, Black Aggro, G/R Aggro, Red Devotion

Decks with bad match ups vs Jund Walkers: Control & other G/x Midrange decks

Equal match ups: B/x Devotion/Midrange

Out of the options given from your current pool I would play a B/r Devotion deck

August 20, 2014 3:07 p.m.

Khanye says... #3

erm...monsters and jund walkers needs their mana dorks online to go the distance...burn them asap and they will have a hard time against you.

i have been using the following deck to much hilarity...Duskmantle Seer is a legit mythic...don't let people tell you otherwise

August 20, 2014 3:27 p.m.

Khanye says... #4

forgot to plug deck:

oh boy

August 20, 2014 3:29 p.m.

I agree that Duskmantle Seer is an underrated card. I'm sad to see it didn't get more play in Standard as it rips apart Green Monsters and its variants. Anyway, back on topic, I would agree with going B/R to combat Jund, Walkers or otherwise. It is very true that most of them rely heavily on mana dorks/rampers so every time I play against Jund that's the first thing I try to slow down. If they have to be on the same mana curve as you, a lot of the times they lose the speed and efficiency that makes Jund so good, thus giving you the advantage. Red can burn away the little dorks (and even Courser with Mortars), and Black can get the out-of-the-reach-of-burn creatures with Downfall, Bore, and even get Caryatids with Devour Flesh /Far / Away . If you focus on disrupting their early game and denying them a chance to build board presence, you already have the upper hand on them. The balancing act is not using ALL your removal on the rampers as they can still get out some mean dudes with little mana (Polukranos comes to mind). Thoughtseize helps a lot with this as you can either make the decision to seize their bomb, or seize their ramp, based on what removal you have in your hand. Now I believe Jund walkers run a lot more removal themselves than their monsters counterparts. The trick, I've found, there is to bait, bait, bait. Never throw out your toughest card in hand just because you can get it out early (a good rule to live by anyway). It's gut wrenching when they Ultimate Price your Desecration Demon because you didn't bait their removal with the lesser creatures on the previous turns. The trick, and this seems to be true with all removal heavy decks, is to act like you're curving out the best in your deck so that they've expended most of their kill cards by turn 5 or 6, then start dropping your fatties at which point they are frantically top decking for another Doom Blade that they wasted on an Wall of Frost on turn 3 (or whatever you plan to run, that's just an example). Btw, would you be planning to go the more removal/counter heavy route? Or more on the aggro side? Because you could go either way with those colors. Blue is surprisingly aggro these days, whether it be mono or otherwise, so there's a ton of options for Grixis colors. The typical convention being the removal/counter heavy Walker build, but I'm confident you could make a good midrange deck out of those colors. Blue might feel a little weird in midrange since they don't have a lot of midrange creatures, but there are a ton of utility spells you could use. Anyway, hope this was helpful.

August 20, 2014 3:55 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #6

I disagree about Duskmantle Seer . In a meta that sees Desecration Demon and Polukranos, World Eater commonly played at the four drop slot, it leaves a lot to be desired. Also with MUD, Burn, G/W Aggro and Rabble Red as big players, his triggered ability greatly aids them in the race and hurts you.

Playing a reactive strategy trying to answer all of Jund's threats is a losing strategy. They will grind out incremental advantage and pull ahead. Your answers will be narrow and their threats plentiful.

August 20, 2014 4:22 p.m.

Khanye says... #7

jund cant get online without ramp...and seer is completely viable in the right build, much more than DD or Polu

August 20, 2014 4:45 p.m.

PetahXtreme says... #8

Thanks everyone, you guys gave me some nice ideas.Last FNM I noticed that a Burn deck won without problems, he was matched in 2 rounds vs Jund walkers and did pretty well. Im actually trying to build a deck around Duskmantle Seer , Whip of Erebos and AEtherling , U/B control version, however need to test it probably this friday.Also have to mention that a couple of guys wanted to buy my Blood Crypt set for $30 but I'm not willing to sell my shocks, somehow I feel they are scalating in price in a few months.

August 27, 2014 2:44 p.m.

Hold onto your shocks! I sold all my fetches a few years ago for 20 bucks each thinking that was a good deal. How foolish. I will never sell my lands again, and shocks will always be valuable. They can only go up.

August 28, 2014 8:59 a.m.

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