Best Sorceries in Standard to give Flash?
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 13, 2013, 11:14 a.m. by jermtube
What are the best Sorcery cards that the Hypersonic Dragon can give Flash? Working on a R/U/G deck and I'd like to have the Dragon and the top of my curve, but only if there are Sorceries out there.
The deck list is poor but I'm working on something called The Izzic Project... the deck is supposed to combine the spirit of the Izzet League and the Simic Combine, so I was thinking of a mutant rush with Teleportal as a game ender. Feel free to tear it apart because I know I'll revise it a few times but I'd like to keep things Izzet-y and Simic-y if that makes sense.
February 13, 2013 11:38 a.m.
Cards that I think could be more useful with flash.
Predatory Rampage - Never saw it coming!
Also, other 'boost' spells; like, Travel Preparations , or Increasing Savagery .
Serene Remembrance as graveyard hate.
Sleep - 2 turns of opponent not attacking, and then not having blockers.
Worldfire as a guaranteed game ender. - Cast any direct damage, then Worldfire in response. - Life goes to 1, then opponent takes final damage.
February 13, 2013 noon
oh nice! I have a pair of Increasing Savagery in the deck list right now, and I think Sleep is a good card to use when I don't have Teleportal to get some guaranteed damage in there!
February 13, 2013 12:12 p.m.
You should also consider adding a couple card:Alchemist's Refuge. Essentially a Hypersonic Dragon ability for when you don't have the dragon in play, that also works for creatures.
February 13, 2013 12:25 p.m.
as long as you don't netdeck my project i think that's awesome, jmallette1
February 13, 2013 3:57 p.m.
no just like the idea, I never really gave Hypersonic Dragon any serious thought but now i see there could be some funny combos. I will post a link in case I can provide some ideas.
February 13, 2013 4:02 p.m.
yea i always thought Hypersonic Dragon was interesting but Blue and Red already have pretty good Instants so i didn't see how relevant its ability was. that's why i figured i'd ask around here.
February 13, 2013 4:09 p.m.
what ive gotten to so far is a 3 color deck. idk if it will be that in the end, but so far its red blue green
February 13, 2013 4:14 p.m.
the deck I made is Strategic Agility. I think it came out really well. Feel free to comment.
candlehawk says... #2
Well the best ones that I can think of are B, Dreadbore and card:Rakdos's Return ando other sorcery speed removal, but you're not playing black. Red gives Act of Treason -like cards which could be good. Doing it in response to attacks. card:Devil's Play could be very powerful to play end of turn.
On the green side of things, Farseek could be really great to play end of turn. Any blue spells that have cantrip-like effects but are on sorceries would be great, like Divination , or cards like Mystic Retrieval , however blue is pretty well calibrated where most things you want to be instant are instant and the things you would want to do main turn are sorceries.
I think one of the problems I am coming across is that I don't know your deck, or what you are trying to do, so I can not find exactly what you are looking for.
February 13, 2013 11:34 a.m.