Favorite Standard Homebrew (any Standard)
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 30, 2021, 12:19 a.m. by Last_Laugh
What is your favorite Standard homebrew that you ever personally assembled? (Any Standard block)
My personal favorite was a Mardu Midrange deck I assembled for Innistrad/RTR. It wasn't my 'best' deck as I never finished first but it was a blast to play!
It relied on creatures like High Priest of Penance, Boros Reckoner, and Vampire Nighthawk to deter early aggro instead of typical removal. Boros Charm and Undying Evil were my only non-creature spells. The mana base was SUPER greedy running all 12 shocks and all 12 checklands lol.
3x Typhoid Rats 4x Undying Evil 4x Boros Charm 4x Tithe Drinker 4x High Priest of Penance 4x Vampire Nighthawk 4x Boros Reckoner 4x Desecration Demon 2x Rakdos, Lord of Riots 3x Blood Baron of Vizkopa 12x Shocks 12x Checklands
Gabe_The_Controller says... #3
From oath of the gate watch until rotation with ixalan I had a blue white control deck with ulamog the ceaseless hunger as a wincon. After magering network rotated out I didn't have a reliable way of casting ulamog besides the game going really long.
I also only had two ulamogs so that part wasn't super reliable so the 4 of spellqueller helped close games too. But yeah I absolutely loved the deck.
I also played a one of Summary Dismissal since I really liked the spell. Funny story with that is before fnm one night I played some games against someone and played that and they just pointed out how it was bad being 4 cmc and really shouldn't be in the main deck. Then at that fnm I was playing against a bant marvels deck and they activated marvel hitting ulamag going to exile my ulamog and spellqueller and I hit their ulamog and cast triggers with the summary dismissal. The guy I played earlier had been standing on the side and started laughing when he saw that. It felt pretty good to me.
January 31, 2021 6:39 p.m.
Had a stupid ramp deck in origins. Casting a Gaea's Revenge was always fun because the only card that could touch it was Dromoka's Command and still you had to fight it with a big enough creature to then trade. And if it lived a turn (usually) I made another with Altered Ego but bigger. Top end was the 2 eldrazi titans. Good stuff
StopShot says... #2
I built a standard deck for Lorwyn - Time Spiral standard. To be clear I started playing Magic when the first Theros block came out, so I have no clue what the Standard meta was like towards the end of Lorwyn. Why I would go out of my way to build a deck from those two sets boils down to my favorite card synergy that utilizes Evershrike + Spirit Loop which creates a 4 mana uncounterable 4/4 with flying, lifelink and flash that you can cast from the graveyard. This synergy is just too slow and inconsistent for Modern, but since Evershrike is from Lorwyn block and Spirit Loop comes from the block before it I figured it would be fun to make it into a retired Standard deck instead. My deck list is here: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/format-archaic-lorwyn-spiral-standard/
(I’m on mobile, sorry for the inconvenient link.)
January 30, 2021 2:13 a.m.