B/G elves viability?
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 12, 2015, 9:47 p.m. by kbarnhart
Haven't played standard or followed it since before Fate Reforged released and have just decided to jump back in with a G/B elf deck.
I was just curious about the viability of the deck in the current meta. What are it's good and bad matchups? Like I said I'm not current on the meta so I dont know what to look out for. Are there any specific reasons why I should or shouldn't be playing this deck?
I've decided on this deck because from what I can see it seems like it can have some pretty explosive turns and it seems pretty budget friendly. Also, looks like it barley loses anything upon rotation except for Elvish Mystic and Hero's Downfall
I was thinking the same thing about the deck relying a little too much on Shaman of the Pack. Do you think that splashing white for Siege Rhino and adding a couple Windswept Heath and a plains would be okay? Seems like a doable splash that could help close out the game.
August 12, 2015 9:59 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #4
I think that Foul-Tongue Shriek would also fit nicely in the Elves build, personally. Just a thought.
August 12, 2015 10:11 p.m.
nah definitely not the deck is best as an elf deck that just swarms out elves and tutors for shaman u dont want to dilute the main theme it obstructs consistency
August 13, 2015 1:28 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
I actually play the elves deck to much success. Love it. I play the colloected compeny version, which uses the aggro plan with Foul-Tongue Shriek and board swarming.
This week, however, i'm switching it up to the combo version that uses chord of calling and temur sabretooth to get a bunch of value out of your dudes. Haven't played it out much yet, but it seems cool.
Those are the two versions of the deck that are viable at the moment, and neither of them want downfall or ultimate price.
The only real bad matchups are red decks that run things like searing blood and draconic roar. Especially draconic roar, that card is the absolute bane. Really though, all other matchups are great, at least 50/50. GW Enchantress is super tough if they can get going, which is why you should pack at least one back to nature, no more than two though.
August 13, 2015 2:13 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #7
I loved splashing white in my B/G elves shell. I was able to side in Rally the Ancestors for value after a board wipe and Shaman of the Pack off of a Rally trigger is oh so sweet! I also tweaked around and tried out Harsh Sustenance. It was decent. All in all, I have built 3 different Standard elf decks, 3 very different ways, and they all did very well for me, only losing to decks running Anger of the Gods. But a lot of aggressive decks don't do very well against that card anyway.
EmblemMan says... #2
watch out for Languish and I would probly run ultimate price over downfall easier to cast. The only problem with the deck that I saw is that it pretty much only wins with Shaman of the Pack but can definitely win fnm and such. Goodluck
August 12, 2015 9:54 p.m.