Blasphemous Act or Mizzium Mortars
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2013, 2:38 a.m. by Sweet-Nightmare
Specifically in a matchup against RDW. If I can cling to life until I can wipe their board, I'm certain I could claim a win, plus I have Tribute to Hunger to gain my life back over time, or to cast on myself or them in response to the act. If the deck matters, it's The Power of a Dragon, but I'm more looking for which one's the over all best choice.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #3
Problem is simply I run three colors, so getting to those three red mana can be difficult. I would probably board more counters in for someone runningbthe Reckoner, ans I'd never Act with Reckoner on the field. I also run straight up murder sideboard. I just know those tiny hasters hurt when they become a mob. Slaughter Games deals with Hellrider, but I don't have enough games for all their bad stuff.
February 7, 2013 3:03 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #4
In a three-color deck, then, Blasphemous Act would seem to be mandatory, and you'll just have to pay the piper re: Boros Reckoner . But you WILL enjoy a probably-reduced casting cost and more reliable effect.
February 7, 2013 5:49 a.m.
Blasphemous Act would work better for you then, but if you really want to slow down a RDW, consider Flames of the Firebrand . You can easily 2-for-1 an early aggro deck that way.
February 7, 2013 5:49 a.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #6
Hmm, never thought of Flames of the Firebrand , I definitely try that out as well in the maybeboard. Time and FNM will see, eh? I know my meta's rdw was far more excited for Legion Loyalist than Boros Reckoner , but a week can change a lot. As RDW is my biggest weakness it's the most important sideboard I can build.
Also figured a way around Reckoner. Witchbane Orb = can't target me. Same goes for their Brimstone Volley that makes me scared to kill their creatures. Last FNM proved I can control til turn four easily, and six with some effort, so as long as I stay on my toes and get decent draws, I think I'll be okay.
February 7, 2013 6:02 a.m.
Unfortunately, Flames of the Firebrand is a sorcery, so it won't do anything to stop all their haste.
Personally, I've decided that Legion Loyalist is a pretty bad card for RDW - he functions as a 1 cost sorcery for trample and first strike. His Battalion will activate on turn 3 at earliest, and by then they already have blockers, so he's pretty much suiciding himself. Also, in aggro decks, giving my little 2/2s first strike and trample is useless. Maybe he'll see play in mid-range or boros decks.
February 7, 2013 6:15 a.m.
It's really dependent on your meta, but I'd be very scared to have Blasphemous Act in my 75 right now. Boros Reckoner isn't going anywhere, because it fills a three-slot where RDW just didn't have anything useful before. Pyreheart Wolf was in almost every deck because it needed some three drop. Now it has a real one, and it's bad news for Blasphemous Act .
A lot of RDW decks are splashing white now too, just for Boros Charm . It's only a combo of two regularly played cards to turn Blasphemous Act into "you take 13 damage, and also none of my creatures die. My turn?"
Your meta may see different card choices, but both of these new cards are likely to be in pretty wide use given that they were two of the more-hyped cards in the new set.
February 7, 2013 10:37 a.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #9
My meta actually likes the Pyreheart Wolf because a lot of decks have Thragtusk as their only creature, so it powers on through. And the undying means it takes more than a moment to get rid of. I know I like it. But if I do come up against a boros deck, like I said, Witchbane Orb with Blasphemous Act .
February 7, 2013 3:38 p.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #10
My meta actually likes the Pyreheart Wolf because a lot of decks have Thragtusk as their only creature, so it powers on through. And the undying means it takes more than a moment to get rid of. I know I like it. But if I do come up against a boros deck, like I said, Witchbane Orb with Blasphemous Act .
ShinakoX2 says... #2
Blasphemous Act would definitely be easier to cast against aggro decks, but when playing against Red, watch out for Boros Reckoner . That 13 damage bounced to your face is going to hurt.
I think Mizzium Mortars would be better if you can survive until 6 mana. It leaves your board intact, and doesn't backlash as hard off of Boros Reckoner .
February 7, 2013 2:56 a.m.