Boros Aggro
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 7, 2013, 8:08 a.m. by Takahashiryu
I'm really excited about the new possibilities of Boros Aggro!Do you think it'll be competitive?
We already have a lot of quality white and red cards, the coming of Boros in GTC is only a consolidation of these cards.I'm thinking about using Thatcher Revolt (3cmc Battalion activator), Dryad Militant , Odric, Master Tactician , Precinct Captain , Lightning Mauler , damn, there are so many great cards, it's difficult to choose which to use...
I would like to keep the curve low, unfortunately leaving behind Aurelia, the Warleader and Gisela, Blade of Goldnight .
What do you think?
Takahashiryu says... #3
Nice deck! Hellrider is GREAT! I also liked Firemane Avenger a lot too! As I said, trying to keep the curve low. Let's see what else they will bring on the upcoming spoilers.I really like Boros, hope it gets competitive enough!
Slycne says... #2
I think it will be about as competitive as RDW or GW humans/aggro is currently. It will make some top 8's, but it's really hard for any white aggro builds in a meta full of Supreme Verdict , Terminus , Thragtusk and multiple planeswalkers that can hold down a board well.
Odric, Master Tactician , while flavorful, is sadly completely blown out by a card that fits much better into the battalion style and offers much better reward for curving out Hellrider . So on Turn 4 you're swinging with the team, which will likely deal enough damage to the player that you can finish them off with burn even if they sweep the board.
Here's what I've come up with so far for Boros aggro: Bloody Humans which is already pretty decent save desperately needing Sacred Foundry .
And I expect Aurelia, the Warleader might find a home in some kind of Naya Midrange build.
January 7, 2013 9:50 a.m.