B/W warriors: trouble with the mirror

Standard forum

Posted on Aug. 1, 2015, 1:45 p.m. by ComradeJim270

Well, B/W warriors is getting more popular in my meta. Maybe it's because it's affordable, or maybe word got out that it was kicking a lot of ass.

That means more mirror matches for me, and they're very challenging. My deck is built slightly slower than most of its ilk in order to handle longer games and does so very well, but I tend to have trouble in the mirror as a result. Secure the Wastes is especially tricky and I'm probably the only one who doesn't mainboard it. Maybe I should start.

Plus, Ultimate Price doesn't hit Chief of the Scale or Chief of the Edge.

I'm thinking of putting Chief of the Scale back in the SB to let my dudes block a bit better, but I'm not sure it'll matter when Arashin Foremost is a thing.

I think I need to either change my sideboard to make this a better matchup, or develop an optimal sideboarding strategy for it. Nothing I've tried so far works consistently and I'm a bit stumped.

Here's the deck, any and all help is appreciated:

Off to War! Playtest

Standard ComradeJim270


mindcrush says... #2

If Secure the Wastes is a problem for you then consider Hallowed Moonlight. Also deals with Rally the Ancestors, Collected Company etc, so is a solid sideboard option.

Radiant Purge could also be a blowout if you declare blockers and then exile either a Chief of the Edge or Chief of the Scale.

You also have Virulent Plague that just sits there and blanks token generation.

The other option, depending on how much attrition there is in these games, in Murderous Cut.

August 1, 2015 2:35 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #3

Oh yeah, I hadn't considered Hallowed Moonlight yet. I still have a couple from prerelease and it's versatile enough to deserve a sideboard spot. What would you suggest I take out for it?

Radiant Purge is cool, but situational because most of these decks are mono-colored. Only the lords are immune to Price. There's a high chance of them being dead cards. Murderous Cut is something I'd considered, but it's slow unless I'm already losing in which case it won't likely help.

Next time I'm absolutely siding in Plague. What would you take out?

August 1, 2015 2:57 p.m.

mindcrush says... #4

I'd probably side out Valorous Stance and Ultimate Price if they are heavy on tokens. Neither is getting you much value in that scenario.

Radiant Purge isn't something you'd want to run more than maybe 1 or 2 of out of the board but a well timed one has the potential to cause blowouts. Like you said, situational but it also deals with a lot of the bombs in the format like Siege Rhino, any of the Dragonlords etc.

August 1, 2015 3:05 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #5

Usually Price is useful early game, but not later when they drop a bunch of tokens. But Stance is nearly useless in that match so I'd agree with you and definitely run plague over it. Moonlight is also very appealing against elves and Rally, which I'm seeing a lot of people experiment with.

I'm not sure what I'd take out of the side for it.

Purge is something to consider. As it is, neither rhinos or dragons have been much of a problem. It's usually other aggro decks that get me, particularly the mirror and RDW/goblins. Anything that's low to the ground with enough removal to keep my board clear.

August 1, 2015 3:12 p.m.

mindcrush says... #6

In a token heavy matchup, Virulent Plague would be more valuable than quite a lot of things. Good against Goblins too. Blanks Dragon Fodder, Hordeling Outburst and even at lot of what makes Goblin Rabblemaster good. Hallowed Moonlight does the same but only for one turn sadly.

If the Goblin players are running a lot of dash, like Goblin Heelcutter then Hallowed Moonlight will put pave to that too.

If you're finding a lot of your creatures getting burned out of the way in the early game against red then consider Enshrouding Mist. I've only played it in draft but it can be a great way to save a part of your board state for only , which means you're not spending a whole turn to do it early on.

Beyond that, the only thing that springs to mind is maybe Bloodsoaked Champion. He is super annoying to get rid of permanently and is a great way to reestablish after a board wipe. You only need to attack with a creature, not even deal damage, so you can play out something weak, and attack regardless of what they have and get one or more of these guys back into play.

August 1, 2015 3:26 p.m.

ComradeJim270 says... #7

Thanks for the advice!

I'm presently running Ajani's Presence over Enshrouding Mist since it blanks destroy spells.

Moonlight has the advantage of blanking Rally and CoCo. That has merit too and I'm thinking about how I'd change things.

As for the Bloodsoaked Champion, I found it underwhelming. Usually in the situations where I had the mana to get the raid trigger and get him out of the yard there were always better plays, or else getting him out wouldn't have been enough. Most B/W warrior decks run it, but in my experience it doesn't have a good place in mine.

August 1, 2015 3:42 p.m.

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