Calling all Johnnys!

Standard forum

Posted on Feb. 14, 2013, 2:19 p.m. by MagicalHacker

I am trying to compile a list of combos in standard that should be tested to see if they can be the basis of a strong combo deck in competitive standard. By no means are the combos I have listed DEFINITIVELY doable in competitive, I think that they deserve my time to test them out. Post any other strong standard combos you know of, infinite or not.



lDruid says... #2

Worldfire + Misthollow Griffin + 4 floated mana

February 14, 2013 2:23 p.m.

Behgz says... #3

Assemble the Legion + Descent into Madness seems like an awesome combo, four copies of each and a bunch of control to stay alive long enough for them to sack everything.

February 14, 2013 2:33 p.m.

Warzin says... #4

February 14, 2013 2:44 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #5

February 14, 2013 3:47 p.m.

agGravity says... #6

I know it's not the first time I heard that Boros Reckoner can goes infinite. I just can't figure how. Anybody mind explaining to me how it goes?

February 14, 2013 4:04 p.m.

drakanar says... #7

@MurasakiRose: If Boros Reckoner has lifelink and indestructibility, you can just aim his ability at himself infinite times to gain infinite health.

February 14, 2013 4:14 p.m.

miracleHat says... #8

out of all of the combos, my favorite would have to be Tree of Redemption and Feed the Pack . one combo that i thought funny was Army of the Damned with Parallel Lives

February 14, 2013 6:39 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #9

Archaeomancer + Gilded Lotus +Ghostly Flicker + a triggered ability/Goblin Electromancer

Goblin Electromancer lets you generate infinite mana

Vigilante Justice /Guttersnipe lets you do infinite damage

card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice/Healer of the Pride infinite life

Soul of the Harvest infinite draw

card:Sage's Row Denizen/Consuming Aberration lets you mill infinitely

Blistercoil Weird /Quirion Dryad /Charmbreaker Devils /Hamletback Goliath /Kruin Striker /Champion of the Parish gets infinitely huge

Talrand, Sky Summoner infinite tokens

And if the Archaeomancer is a creature token via Cackling Counterpart or something else, Parallel Lives can give you an infinite number of tokens

February 14, 2013 7:50 p.m.

Rayenous says... #10

card:Illusionist's Bracers can = unlimited mana in the following ways (maybe more):

card:Illusionist's Bracers on an Arbor Elf , that is bound with Galvanic Alchemist (requires a Breeding Pool )

card:Illusionist's Bracers on a Greenside Watcher , that is bound with Galvanic Alchemist (requires and blue producing gate).

card:Illusionist's Bracers on a Niblis of the Breath , and a card:Illusionist's Bracers on either land untappers above.

card:Illusionist's Bracers on an Axebane Guardian , bound with a Galvanic Alchemist and 1 other defender in play. (mana producing isn't doubled, but he untaps twice)

card:Illusionist's Bracers on a Niblis of the Breath or Captain of the Mists , and an Axebane Guardian plus 1 or 2 other defenders.

card:Illusionist's Bracers on Captain of the Mists with a Thraben Doomsayer and Axebane Guardian and 2 other defenders in play. (can repeat for infinite human tokens with one other defender, but not mana)

February 14, 2013 8:12 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #11

Aurelia, the Warleader has haste... so if you attack with her, you get one additional attack phase... but throw in a Deadeye Navigator and you could get a second by flickering her... throw in a couple of creatures that produce mana... e.g. Arbor Elf or a couple of animated Azorius Keyrune s or Izzet Keyrune s and you can attack as many times as you want.

February 15, 2013 7:56 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #12

Thanks everyone so far for all the input! I have the full list that I keep updating at Combos in standard.

@Rayenous, I am not seeing how the first two go infinite. Won't you be netting a loss of a mana each time?

February 15, 2013 8:16 a.m.

Rayenous says... #13

@ mstancea

Pay 3, to put 2 stacks of "Untap this creature" on the stack, then each time it untaps, tap the elf to put 2 stacks of "Untap target forest." on the stack... thats a total of untap 4 forests for a cost of 3 mana. So long as there's at least 1 forest that can produce a blue mana, it becomes repeatable.

February 15, 2013 10:41 a.m.

Rayenous says... #14

(non-infinite) Galvanic Juggernaut enchanted with Lightning Prowess , plus a High Priest of Penance that has been made indestructible.

February 15, 2013 11:15 a.m.

MagicalHacker says... #15

Two stacks of "Untap target land" gives you two mana, not four...

February 15, 2013 3:45 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #16

nevermind! I see that it untaps a land TWICE plus it untaps itself TWICE. I didn't see that before, that's really cool!

February 15, 2013 5:58 p.m.

Cirdan13 says... #17

There are so many different ways to abuse the Omniscience + Enter the Infinite combo. The deck I am building uses lots of mana dorks and a few Craterhoof Behemoth s. 4 Biovisionary s works as well. I could go on but there are too many options to list them all.

Another combo that I thought of that is awesome for multiplayer is Consuming Aberration + Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord .

And one last one is land ramp such as Farseek , card:Ranger's Path, Boundless Realms , Borderland Ranger , etc. + Ground Assault + Stuffy or Reckoner; or Rubblehulk + Wandering Wolf type creatures. This is the idea behind Gruul Land Rush

February 25, 2013 1:36 a.m.

DePeluche says... #18

Heres 2 non infinite fo the collection

Chandra, the Firebrand -2 ability + Slaughter Games = Removes win-cons easily

Essence of the Wild + Fungal Sprouting = 6 6/6 creatures plus the Avatar

My decks with them

Chandra, the Slaughter

Wild Sprouting

February 25, 2013 2:01 a.m.

Timekeeper says... #19

Tree of Redemption + Rhox Faithmender isn't infinite, but it gains a lot of life fast.

February 25, 2013 3:07 a.m.

Frimbleglim says... #20

Fiend Hunter x3 and Healer of the Pride Not actually a good combo but a combo notwithstanding.

February 25, 2013 6:40 a.m.

DePeluche says... #21

A combo Im working on

Master Biomancer + card:Conjurer's Closet + Fathom Mage

February 25, 2013 9:48 a.m.

JonnyD32 says... #22

I have a Simic build, mostly elves for ramp, that runs Biovisionary and Infinite Reflection . I run it with card:Alchemist's Refuge so I can flash it in on my opponent's turn after they're all tapped out. Have won a few games this way.

February 26, 2013 12:03 a.m.

Cirdan13 says... #23

Another one for the infinite combo list: Aurelia, the Warleader + Stolen Identity

February 26, 2013 6:48 a.m.

Cirdan13 says... #24

Oops, my bad, I forgot about the last part of the combo that makes it not Standard: Mirror Gallery

February 26, 2013 6:50 a.m.

dtigerx says... #25

used to run fungal sprouting in a red green build in order to fling hamletback captains now i just use them with master biomancer and ivy lane denizen for huge master and all tokens entering a stupid size

June 25, 2013 10:47 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #26

June 25, 2013 2:48 p.m.

KingSorin says... #27

3x Fiend Hunter + any etb trigger, Champion of the Parish (infinity/infinity 1-drop), Champion of Lambholt (infinity/infinity unblockable) Healer of the Pride infinity life, Beck / Call infinity cards etcetc

June 25, 2013 8:18 p.m.

the3rdH0kage says... #28

gheridarigaaz That token of Archeomancer in your last sentence wouldn't work for infinate tokens because if a token would leave the battlefeild at all, gfor any reason. It just goes away it wouldn't come back.

June 25, 2013 9:06 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #29

Yea... i've been informed of the ruling on the instance... still it's a nifty interaction with counterpart and parallel lives, giving you a constant token+recursion engine for each 2 copies of archaeomancer you make which could result in infinite removal alongside your token army

June 25, 2013 9:25 p.m.

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