Can we have a spirit standard?

Standard forum

Posted on April 14, 2016, 4:09 p.m. by capriom85

DoTopplegeist, Rattlechains, and Bygone Bishop add enough spirit power to standard to construct a deck of of them? Of course UW wants you to also play Reflector Mage and knoghtbof the white orchid, giving Eerie Interlude even more power. We have damn good removal in the form of Silkwrap, Declaration in Stone, and Stasis Snare. We can curve out at Archangel of Tithes and play Always Watching . Do you think we can get there, or are the spirits actually the weak part of the deck?

wasianpower says... #2

April 14, 2016 4:14 p.m.

capriom85 says... #3

Yes!!!! Essence Flux was on my list but I couldn't remember the name...thanks! Think Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit gets us there?

April 14, 2016 4:21 p.m.

astorre says... #4

You sure can & its not a bad deck, the flying is certainly relevant. It just gets out muscled by humans, Thalia's Lieutenant is pretty strong and 1 drop 2/1s that can stonewall dragons or flip into a planeswalker are stronger than Rattlechains and Topplegheist.

April 14, 2016 4:54 p.m.

wasianpower says... #5

This is the deck that I considered building for standard, thought you'd be interested.

UW Spirits

Standard wasianpower


April 14, 2016 7:58 p.m.

capriom85 says... #6

wasianpower, that looks pretty fun to play.

April 14, 2016 8:52 p.m.

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