Cartel Aristocrat or Bloodthrone Vampire?

Standard forum

Posted on June 25, 2013, 2:37 a.m. by OzDatSorin

  • I've been focusing on making my Orzhov way better, and this question came up.

  • in standard what usually runs better?

I'd say cartel because you can use her as a sac outletand give protection before attacking to not be blocked.

June 25, 2013 3:09 a.m.

OzDatSorin says... #3

in my eyes its not being blocked, or hitting with three. or more. then i think what your thinking its hard,

June 25, 2013 3:19 a.m.

KingSorin says... #4

I like bloodthrone, since multiple sacrifices benefits it more than cartel. It's also got a more flexible mana cost, so, in a deck like ozdatsorin's, which runs no dual lands except guildgates (from memory) the bloodthrone is a bit easier to get out.

June 25, 2013 3:55 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #5

Im thinking Cartel Aristocrat your options are really between a better sac outlet and the aristocrat sees competitive play for a reason. It dodges targeted removal like Abrupt Decay and Searing Spear and mass damage removal like Bonfire of the Damned it can block without being destroyed in combat and provides a free 2 damage if you want. Bloodthrone vampire can attack for more but you lose more potential blockers and can also be a nice combat trick when blocking but overall I still think living passed removal is much more important then a beefy body in the current meta of standard.

June 25, 2013 4:34 a.m.

ShimmerVoid says... #6

I'd run Cartel Aristocrat if your mana can support it. It's vastly superior to the Bloodthrone Vampire imo as it's very resilient and hard to remove unless someone board wipes with Supreme Verdict or Terminus .

June 25, 2013 7:48 a.m.

Barandis says... #7

I'm assuming that since the question is being asked, the color requirement for Cartel Aristocrat isn't a problem. That being the case, your choice is between +2/+2 and protection, and the latter is always going to win.

The only time Bloodthrone Vampire is potentially better is when you have multiple creatures to sacrifice, and even then it can't be saved from Azorius Charm . Additionally, you can't count on always having multiple sacrifice targets around. I play Junk Aristocrats a lot (yes, this does indicate Aristocrat Bias), and it's sometimes surprising how you have to struggle to keep your Cartel Aristocrat protected even in a deck that's designed to sacrifice things to it.

Other reasons: Bloodthrone Vampire is very poor on turn 2 even when you play a 1-drop on turn 1. Cartel Aristocrat is very good in the same circumstance. Also, Lingering Souls is still a thing, and it's a thing that makes the Vampire look really bad while the Aristocrat just waltzes on through.

June 25, 2013 9:14 a.m.

OzDatSorin says... #8

in my eyes through reading these great opinions, is this:

-Cartel Aristocrat wont be beefy by itself but in the long run it'll have a constant show of use in its blocking, attacking, and just plain out staying on the table longer.

-Bloodthrone Vampire will get beefy by itself but in a lot of decks with the amount of removal it wont stay for long once it hits for a lot.

in me seeing these things i honestly will try out Cartel Aristocrat for its resilience on the table.

THANKS FOR THE HELP GUYS! if you want to continue to point out tactics that would go well with Cartel Aristocrat in my deck here's the link hidden extortion, and exalted.

June 25, 2013 10:47 a.m.

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