Cavern of Souls
Standard forum
Posted on April 25, 2013, 1:56 p.m. by capriom85
Should I be running, or at least sideboarding, some precautionary Cavern of Souls ? I am not thrilled when I tap out for a Thragtusk , Thundermaw Hellkite , Angel of Serenity , etc and I run into a counter. There is a bunch of Esper in my meta and I'm wondering if, and where, I should put these to offset those counters. I play Jund & Naya midrange and also Prime Speaker Bant and Merican Flash (with Geist). Flash and PSB have a chance to Dispel counters but Jund and Naya are dead where they stand. Which decks should run the Caverns to make sure my threats resolve?
Well think back on some past tournaments, did you see a counterspell at least once in each of them? If so you may want 1-2 caverns in your mainboard, if the deck doesn't have too many utility lands or color restrictive non creature spells, you should be good to run some caverns (now usually 2 will be the most you want to play in a non tribal aggressive deck, but a format where you play against counterspells a good half of the tournament is probably where you'd want more).
April 25, 2013 2:19 p.m.
I'm leaning toward siding them in against Esper mostly bc it's more an issue of there is t much of it but when I face it...I lose. Maybe the sideboard is the way to go there bc the Flash is the only one to have won a full math against Esper bc I have counters of my own. I haven't competed with the PSB yet and Jund and Naya fall to Esper everytime.
April 25, 2013 2:23 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #5
if you decide you don't need them, i do!
seriously lets trade.
April 25, 2013 5:11 p.m.
Haha. Well, I have a playset of caverns that are currently in my boros humans casual deck. I would take them out for the competitive build but I'm not sure I'd want to trade them. I was insanely lucky to pull them (3 in 1 day) and I have been using them on and off ever since. What else do you need?
TorrentFreak says... #2
Out of the decks you listed, I think American flash can handle having 1... maybe 2. You probably don't want to run it in Naya since you should probably have Kessig Wolf Run in that slot. If you find you play esper the majority of the time, it wouldn't hurt to try it out. I dont play Jund or Prime speaker bant. So I can't give my opinion on that
April 25, 2013 2:17 p.m.