Changes to Standard Meta Due to Success with Liliana, the Last Hope
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 7, 2016, 10:25 a.m. by shepherdofire
After watching the pro tour i believe old cards are going to show up again in decks that can add them. Mainly against the hype card of the pro tour Liliana,the Last Hope. I can see Virulent Plague, Flaying Tendrils, Radiant Flames, Kozilek's Return. All these will be in main or side due to the strength of lilis emblem. What do you think we will see in the brews that would surprise you in a match?
shepherdofire says... #3
Oh yeah they wont run them in their deck but they are great tech for those who want to win against lili decks.
August 7, 2016 10:59 a.m.
To be honest I was testing with Kozilek's Return in my deck and was going to remove it but now, based on what you've written here, I am going to leave it in.
I'm running Liliana, the Last Hope too but, if I wipe my Zombies, I'm going to get them back anyway.
In my mind Kozilek's Return is better tech than Flaying Tendrils if you're only using it for the 2/2 Zombies. Of course Flaying Tendrils is better for other Creatures that you don't want to return to the field.
August 7, 2016 11:05 a.m. Edited.
That deck uses more than just Lili to win.
Her zombies are just a nice bonus and her first ability helps against Prowess decks.
August 7, 2016 11:09 a.m. Edited.
The problem with flaying tendrils and radiant flames is they dont do anything out side of getting rid of some temporary zombies taht come through an emblem.....raidant flames can in a 3 color deck but I feel like if they wanted to play that they would already be playing it so a rise in play I couldnt really see. Kozileks return has more value then those if you are playing an emerge deck or a deck with big eldrazis so thats fine IF you are playing eldrazi that can trigger it. Virulent plague is a fine sideboard card but if youre playing black why arent you playing liliana in which case you would be hurting your own emblem chances. The thing is you're not supposed to beat a liliana emblem. You can but dont sideboard in bad cards to stop it for 1-2 turns considering how the way you beat the emblem is by killing your opponent in 2-3 turns which those cards do not help you do.
August 7, 2016 11:10 a.m.
Or stopping the Emblem in the first place by killing Liliana.
If you're running Ruinous Path will probably help you more.
August 7, 2016 11:12 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #9
Well i dont run lilli in my mono black. It works fine without her. I tested lili with proxys and she just came up short every time. The point is that i see this as a problem many players are going to have trouble finding the answer to, sure if you have lilis great, but for those who dont have them or want them need alternatives.
August 7, 2016 11:18 a.m.
shepherdofire says... #10
And paths are already a standard staple for balck.
August 7, 2016 11:18 a.m.
Okay so what have we learned? Kill liliana and if you HAVE to sideboard in something for her make it virulent plague. Again her emblem is not supposed to be beat but virulent plague does do that so in black your options are to kill her via creatures or ruinous path or board in plague. I will say though it is best to have ways to kill liliana because not everyone goes straight for the emblem they just minus her so if shes doing that all the time then you have another problem so either play virulent plague smart and only play it when they emblem or just have more ways to kill her.
August 7, 2016 11:44 a.m.
I haven't even played standard really in the last two years so I am a bit out of touch. But I did watch the last 4ish hours of the stream.
Anyways I like the idea of Nahiri's Wrath along with Emrakul, the Promised End and Mindwrack Demon. The reason I chose those two creatures is they both have Synergy with this card and if you pitch Emrakul you can bassically board wipe ANY creature deck. Nothing is really big enough to be like "Whatever who cares". The 4/5 on the other hand means they MUST still have a Liliana on board to kill it with Languish. This isn't likely if you are running 3-4x Nahiri's Wrath. : )
This is assuming Liliana is tough enough to actually warrant a dedicated Lily specific answer. Like I said I haven't played for a long time and yesterday was the first time I saw her do well. And she was against a very non-interactive deck at that.
August 7, 2016 5:18 p.m. Edited.
I'm gonna start Sideboarding this in my deck running Lili.
Risen Executioner = protection against Virulent Plague
August 7, 2016 5:47 p.m.
Wow I can't believe Risen Executioner finally found somewhere he belongs. When he was spoiled I was like "You're doing it wrong". lol
August 7, 2016 7:43 p.m.
He's gonna work in my deck because I have oodles of recursion, so he should be easy to cast from the Yard.
Argy says... #2
You could be right as far as Virulent Plague as that also causes problems for Rise from the Tides decks.
The only thing is that decks RUNNING Liliana, the Last Hope probably won't play those cards.
August 7, 2016 10:30 a.m. Edited.