Colors of Budget Standard Control
Standard forum
Posted on May 21, 2017, 11:13 a.m. by ducttapedeckbox
With the top contenders revealed at PT Amonkhet, it's a great time for hard control decks to materialize. The question is, however, which colors are best?
In order to survive, control would need both main and sideboard answers to:
- Aetherworks Marvel lists - the best answers here are countermagic (main) and disruption spells such as Transgress the Mind and Lost Legacy (side). Artifact destruction such as Release the Gremlins and By Force are also sideboard options.
- Zombies variants - Cheap removal, especially those that exile (yay Magma Spray) are great, as are unconditional board wipes like Fumigate, and maybe even Descend upon the Sinful? Other, more conditional options are Sweltering Suns and Yahenni's Expertise. Flying creatures are an effective way to get through the horde.
- Vehicles - The artifact destruction and removal mentioned above work here.
So, we have effective answers across four colors - white, blue, black, and red. Since I'm personally looking at a budget (getting into MTGO, but hesitant to spend much on virtual goods for now), Archangel Avacyn Flip, while an incredible answer to Zombies and good against Vehicles, is a little above my price range. Unfortunately Fatal Push is pushing it, and likely too much for the time being.
Blue is certainly the core with countermagic and access to budget finishers such as Sphinx of the Final Word, Glyph Keeper, and potentionally Dynavolt Tower However, there are arguments for each of white, black, and red. So, what do you think? What's the best route for a budget control deck in standard?
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
@ Argeaux - With Gearhulk and Fumarole at 30 and 10 tix each, respectively, they are outside of the range that I'm willing to spend at the moment.
May 21, 2017 11:55 a.m.
Then my answer is that there isn't one.
GOOD Control decks are usually expensive.
May 21, 2017 12:07 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #5
It's obvious that this wouldn't be an ideal list. I just want something that I can run into a friendly MTGO league and not 0-5 every time.
May 21, 2017 2:03 p.m.
If expensive cards are out of your price range, I'm thinking Azorius has the best chance.
You've got White for Removal and Boardwipes with stuff like Stasis Snare/Cast Out, and Fumigate. I'd recommend Blessed Alliance as well to slow down decks that rely on 1-2 big creatures.
Blue ends up being your card draw and counter engine, with Glimmer of Genius, Disallow/Void Shatter. It likely gives you your win-con in Sphinx of the Final Word as well.
Going to be tough certainly, but I think it's your best choice.
May 21, 2017 2:33 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #7
That's likely where I was heading, Errast. I've been toying with a red splash for Magma Spray and Harnessed Lightning for cheap removal (both price and cmc). This also gives me Release the Gremlins or By Force in the side. The land base gets tricky, but it should be manageable with only single red costs.
I've also toyed with Esper, but it lacks the cheap exile effects that Jeskai does to deal with the recurring Zombies. It does give access to other removal like Anguished Unmaking and Grasp of Darkness, as well as Sorin, Grim Nemesis to diversify finishers. Not sure how good he is here, I just really like the card. Black seems like it would also be taxing much more on my land base.
May 21, 2017 3:34 p.m.
3 color/izzet is almost always very taxing on the landbase, and so I would definitely recommend going with a 2-color deck, then upgrading as you get the pieces.
If you're looking to add more win-conditions, Metallurgic Summonings is a fantastic way to close out games, or keep your hand loaded with answers. White has lots of exile, and answers to problem cards. Forsake the Worldly is a card I feel could easily replace By Force for instance.
Argy says... #2
I personally think that Control crushes it, at the moment.
Using Torrential Gearhulk and Wandering Fumarole as its main sources of dealing damage.
May 21, 2017 11:17 a.m.