competitive new standard?
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 31, 2014, 2:15 a.m. by t321livewire
i have heard many ideas as to whats going to be run in new standard. from esper control, naya aggro, mono red, mono white, blue black mill, grixis, or remain devotion blue or black.... what is your money on for being the new best competitive standard deck. here is the deck i am going to be running. standard competitive naya
TEGHabibird says... #4
I'm running W/R/B Control - Pain Seer Edition once bng is released.
January 31, 2014 3:59 a.m.
omnipotato says... #5
MBD and Azorius control were already the best decks, and they're the 2 that are getting the best cards: Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow for MBD (maybe Pain Seer and Herald of Torment as well), and Temple of Enlightenment and Fated Retribution for Azorius (Brimaz, King of Oreskos for their sideboard too). MUD only got Thassa's Rebuff , and black's new removal's especially good against them.
G/R got Xenagos, God of Revels and Courser of Kruphix , so those may be enough to boost it to a tier 1 deck. G/W got their scryland but got horribly shafted with Karametra, God of Harvests , so that will probably stay tier 2.
White Weenie might be a good place to be just because of how good Brimaz, King of Oreskos is. Ultimately though, I think MBD and U/W control are going to continue to dominate, especially in the first few weeks.
January 31, 2014 6:03 a.m.
DreamGoddessLindsey says... #6
Shafted with Karametra, God of Harvests ? Actually, that one card is so freaking powerful it can propel Selesnya to high tier 2 or even tier 1.
Gruul Monstrosity is already tier 1 and will remain so.
The biggest gainer, however, is neither MBD nor Azorius, but Dimir Mill. Phenax, God of Deception is quite possibly the most overpowered card in the set. It absolutely will make mill a big thing. Phenax, God of Deception plus Consuming Aberration plus Mind Grind or Traumatize means instant win due to the god's ability. In addition, you have all the counterspells that blue gets and the removal that black gets. I think this will finally knock Azorius down,
January 31, 2014 7:14 a.m.
Of the existing Tier 1-1.5 archtypes MBD, UW, GR, WWx and GW all see some solid upgrades, with MUD getting kind of the shaft - Thassa's Rebuff isn't going to counter much harder than Spell Rupture would and it's already not running that card.
I suspect there will be a pretty decent Mono-W splashing U devotion deck with the new cards though. Folks will likely try minotaur aggro and UB-mill, but those both look slow and shaky at best.
January 31, 2014 7:21 a.m.
I really don't see how Karametra significantly improves upon G/W in the new meta. The fact that the ramp ability is utterly useless to the deck as it stands has been driven into the ground, so I'll avoid that much. And besides that, it's just a 5-drop that does nothing unless you already have a sizable board position -- something that increases in strength in G/W due to the "pushed" nature that selesnyan creatures have. And, yet, even at that point, it's hardly doing anything. Advent of the Wurm does not synergize with the card. Call of the Conclave does not synergize with the card. Trostani does a fantastic job of granting devotion, but has widely been considered a bit of a win-more card in the latest meta (not to mention she synergizes with tokens...not creature spells). Armada Wurm goes okay with Karametra, but at that point all you need is armada wurm to be putting on the pressure.
Going to play T1 Elvish Mystic into T2 Sylvan Caryatid into T3 Karametra? Fantastic. You got the god hand. But do you even have any creatures left in hand that have a real board presence on turns 4 and onward when your opponent has been beating your face in as you fiddled around with mana? Not likely. And what are you truly ramping into anyways? Angel of Serenity ? That's the only logical assumption I could make. If the whole point of Karametra was to allow for an ever so slightly better way to play Angel of serenity then that is still garbage. Decks like that will never beat Rakdos aggro and will never beat control...ever.
Don't mean to come off harsh, but Karametra is hardly a boon for G/W aggro or G/W midrange. I've been attempting to make her have a use in Bant control/midrange lists, but even then she, frankly, just sucks. She is not a standard card. She is a fantastic EDH card. But I along with many others who were anticipating her arrival don't want to hear that. We wanted something to improve G/W's chances in the new meta, and instead it would appear G/W aggro just got worse apart from the arrival of Brimaz, King of Oreskos who honestly seems more likely to fit in a WWx shell than G/W.
January 31, 2014 7:51 a.m.
Boros aggro (white wheenie base) and Orzhov aggro (white wheenie base) will be better than they use to be with Brimaz, King of Oreskos , and Pain Seer for Orzhov, they might even win a few more big events. But with MBD getting Drown in Sorrow that might be enough to make those decks completely none-existent. I dont think GR or GW or Mill or any of the other decks are getting anything good enough to make them more competitive. MUD MBD and UW/x Control are still going to be 75% of the decks at any given large competitive tournament, and taking most of the spots at the top.
January 31, 2014 9:31 a.m.
shaistyone says... #11
A buddy of mine has cleaned up several FNMs with his ramp deck, and Karametra could make it even better.
He is ramping into Colossus of Akros
or Mistcutter Hydra
January 31, 2014 9:40 a.m.
While I'd liked to say Mill has a shot as that's what I play with some success, I think with Xenagos Gruul monsters is going to take the top deck spot by storm. I played against people who generated 7-10 mana by turn 3 and then almost twice as much on turn 4. It's just too much stuff too fast for any amount of kill spells. it'd be T5 and i'd be staring down 3 or 4 creatures with powers and toughnesses of 4 or greater that could become monstrous. white weenie may make a splash with brimaz but I don't think it's enough.
January 31, 2014 10:38 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #13
I'm going to have to agree with the majority that Karametra, God of Harvests
will not make a big impact in Standard, tho it's an EDH superstar. Especially not in the current Selesnya since it would be the top of their curve. If anything, I could see her in a Prime Speaker Bant type list to help pull off the some huge Sphinx's Revelation
and work well with Prophet of Kruphix
Speaking of Bant, I think it could make a bit of a comeback now that they have all of the Scry lands. The deck I'm curious to see emerge is one similar to the current Simic Flash deck (example: but with White for Advent of the Wurm , Selesnya Charm , etc. I honestly could see something like that being a solid Tier 2 deck.
January 31, 2014 10:58 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #14
Who cares, soon as Journey to Nyx is out, B/G Rock will be unstoppable.
(Please note, I say this as a G/B player, not based off any facts) :)
t321livewire says... #2
this is with the new set born of gods after its release.
January 31, 2014 2:24 a.m.