Control debate
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2013, 5:42 p.m. by capriom85
Ok, so most w/u control decks right now run Feeling of Dread , but I am kind of liking Gridlock a little bit better at this time. I haven't been able to play-test it yet, but it seems like it may work out better. What do you all think?
Also, while we're on this topic, how about Cyclonic Rift vs AEtherize ? I know Cyclonic Rift id more versatile, but its heavy overload is jsut that...heavy. With AEtherize , the cmc is more appealing and isn't removing the attacking threats what we really want out of this kind of card in control anyway?
Sweet-Nightmare says... #4
My only problem with AEtherize is the current popularity of Boros. By the time they attack, battalion as already triggered, and I know in my meta Firemane Avenger is a definite thing. Plus if they're a deck that doesn't attack anyways, AEtherize is pointless. Cyclonic Rift can also bounce planeswalkers, setting them up to be countered if you missed it the first time.
As far as tapping stuff, I like Blustersquall better than Gridlock OR Feeling of Dread .
February 7, 2013 6:08 p.m.
I think I'd still favor Feeling of Dread . For control it's all about generating card advantage and Feeling of Dread uses only a single resource, and if you couldn't survive by locking down your opponents two biggest threats for two turns then Gridlock being able to hit more wasn't going to save you.
As for the other, I think it'd still lean towards the versatility of Cyclonic Rift . While often controls plan A is to simply survive a creature rush, that's not every deck win con and Cyclonic Rift gives you a more relevant mainboard against more decks. And you can always put some AEtherize in the sideboard if there is a lot of aggro in your local meta.
February 7, 2013 6:13 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #6
I hate Feeling of Dread AND Gridlock , but if I had to choose between them, I'd choose Feeling of Dread for a control deck; being able to repeat it is key. If your concern was tapping down creatures so that you can attack, then I would second Sweet-Nightmare and suggest Blustersquall .
Cyclonic Rift is my choice over AEtherize . 7 vs. 4 IS pretty brutal, but the effect is well worth the cost, I think.
February 7, 2013 7:03 p.m.
In my current standard deck Jace, Stealer of Staffs Feeling of Dread is far better than any other tapping option (mostly due to having 2 spells for one card to extort) but overall Feeling of Dread is a card for keeping opponent's creatures on the battlefield, but not hitting you in the early game to allow for a high value board wipe, in the early game there'll normally be only one or two creatures on the field anyway. Gridlock and Blustersquall work best as a way to virtually give your army of creatures unblockable and to fog as unlike Feeling of Dread there is no "draw a card" effect to make up for the fact that you're losing card advantage to tap some stuff.
February 7, 2013 7:41 p.m.
I forgot about blustersquall!! And feeling of dread has no draw a card?
February 7, 2013 7:51 p.m.
TheAmazingSalsa says... #9
I myself prefer Repel the Darkness , It's not as strong as Feeling of Dread , but I'm running a mono-white control deck, so I can't really benefit from the flashback, and getting to draw additional cards is always good!
And AEtherize is way more powerful than Cyclonic Rift in my opinion.. specially because, when you get down to numbers, it's cheaper than Cyclonic Rift , I really like returning cards to opponents hands, specially when I'm against aggro deck, it cripples the opponent's game so hard... Although in some other cases I'd rather use cards that prevent damage (the best example is Fog , but Harmless Assault can be really useful at times) instead of returning them to the opponent's hands!
June 10, 2013 2:34 a.m.
detentionsphere says... #10
In a control deck... probably none of them? There are so many better options out there. You can splash black for Warped Physique , Far / Away , Devour Flesh , and Ultimate Price , or red for Pillar of Flame , Searing Spear , and Mizzium Mortars .
As for the actual cards... Feeling of Dread is infinitely better than Gridlock , since it's more mana efficient and has two uses.
As for Cyclonic Rift vs AEtherize , I would never run either. Cyclonic Rift is more suited to a tempo deck, and AEtherize sucks (at the same mana cost you have Supreme Verdict )
June 11, 2013 3:14 a.m.
Feeling of Dread has flashback. It's basically a Time Walk against aggro, especially if you Supreme Verdict or Terminus before and they have only one or two creatures.
Cyclonic Rift also costs less than AEtherize , can bounce non-creatures (like Witchbane Orb when you're trying to cast Bonfire of the Damned or activate Jace, Memory Adept ), and has a game-winning overload.
June 11, 2013 5:44 a.m.
detentionsphere says... #12
I know that Feeling of Dread is good vs aggro. I used to run 4 in my UW control, but I found it was much better as a sideboard card, since while it's great vs aggro, vs control it sucks and vs midrange it's highly underwhelming. I run Esper and I have 2 Feeling of Dread in my sideboard, but maindeck it does not work.
June 12, 2013 2:52 a.m.
harrydemon117 says... #13
I agree with detentionsphere here.
Feeling of Dread is MUCH better than Gridlock and SHOULD be in the sideboard.
In Esper you don't have many answers to Detention Sphere if it resolves on your Jace, Memory Adept so a Cyclonic Rift would be an EOT out to it.
Not to mention it can return a Witchbane Orb
capriom85 says... #2
just for the record: in my current w/u control build I am running both AEtherize and Cyclonic Rift .
February 7, 2013 5:43 p.m.