Control Deck Idea

Standard forum

Posted on April 8, 2013, 10:18 p.m. by xX.Fox.Xx

So my last post was extremely noobie, but I have grown in my knowledge on the subject of Magic. I was flipping through ideas for a decent green/blue deck when I realized the best standard control cards out currently are blue. AEtherize and Encrust are two prime examples of good control cards that go unnoticed. Almost every tournament deck ignores these cards and I'm not sure why?-- these cards are extremely cheap and good for anyone running on a budget. My idea for a deck would mainly revolve arround Thragtusk and Giant Adephage . Although thragtusk may be expensive, he would be affordable with the other cheap cards throughout the deck. Anyways my idea was to hold off opponents monsters using cards such as AEtherize and Encrust .(I got 4 AEtherize for about $1.40 on Amazon.) You can even throw in a few of your favorite aggros, such as my personal favorites: Frilled Oculus and Strangleroot Geist . Another cool control card that would work well is Sleep . If you're worried that you won't have enough mana to summon your fatties, throw in Simic Keyrune and Verdant Haven . Anyways this is just a starting point for a deck that I think could be successful. Also, I think I'm going to add two Garruk as the plainswalkers. Please!-- add ideas, tell me what you think, and reveal is flaws you see. Submit card ideas too, please. Thanks everybody.c:

ShadowLand says... #2

If you are going for control, Unsummon is always a cheap way to go, both with mana cost and card cost. I like Hands of Binding to cipher onto a flyer or an unblockable such as an Invisible Stalker or it would be fun on your Strangleroot Geist , and which garruk are you thinking of running?

April 9, 2013 12:50 a.m.

This seems more like aggro-control actually. Unsummon , Hands of Binding , and Strangleroot Geist do not belong in control. Anyways, if you are going aggro control, Strangleroot Geist , Cloudfin Raptor , Experiment One , Gyre Sage , Snapcaster Mage , Wolfir Avenger , Yeva, Nature's Herald , Simic Charm , Unsummon , Syncopate , and Hands of Binding * are good.

*an aside on Hands of Binding : this really is a meta call. Right now, the metagame consists almost entirely of creature decks. Even most control decks (Bant, UWR) are running creatures. The only truly creatureless deck is Esper. If you are expecting a lot of Esper, do not run Hands of Binding .

April 9, 2013 4:30 a.m.

KingSorin says... #4

lol aggro control... i get how it works but it's like saying a budget Tarmogoyf deck

April 9, 2013 4:58 a.m.

gufymike says... #5

The reason being on why the cards are overlooked is there are better cards to use. In green/blue, it might be a different story, but not many pure simic decks are being run, most of them are bant based around Geist of Saint Traft and Prime Speaker Zegana . With Restoration Angel to give more value to Thragtusk and even Loxodon Smiter . A friend of mine ran this, this past week in a standard tournament our lgs held, Prime Speaker bant but with a few changes, more counters (Negate mostly), board wipes (Terminus and Supreme Verdict ) and both charms and no Arbor Elf or the Strangleroot Geist or garruck. He placed first in a heavy aggro meta.

This is more to answer your why you don't see more of these, they don't provide the right amount of value, even and overloaded Cyclonic Rift is better than AEtherize . Unfortunately, because the cards I mentioned are highly playable and give more value in game, they more they cost more and don't do well on a budget. Even with my own immodest spending (a few hundred a month on singles before packs and tournaments),, I don't have terminus, restoration angels or a geist to make this deck work for me. .

April 9, 2013 5:18 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #6

I run an aggro control W/U/B, it is def possible, and those are some good ideas and good advice for him/her detentionsphere

April 9, 2013 5:20 a.m.

gufymike says... #7

Also as a must in U/G is Alchemist's Refuge , it's ability is just awesome, especially with Bant, and a surprise Supreme Verdict on their attack phase (costs 6 but worth it to watch them cry), if you get that far).

April 9, 2013 6:45 a.m.

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