Control meta at LGS, wat do?

Standard forum

Posted on June 3, 2017, 8:46 a.m. by Wyrmweird

Without saying Aetherworks Marvel/ Ulamog, what the heck beats Gearhulk Control decks. I've been aggro-ing for 3 weeks but no luck. Looking to try Prowling Serpopard. Or just get 3 more T-Gearhulks and play 55 minute mirrors?

Boza says... #2

Mardu Vehicles is the best choice in an aggro heavy meta.

June 3, 2017 8:59 a.m.

abby315 says... #3

Broadly, play as fast a deck as possible. Mardu can be very fast and is a good choice especially if the gearhulk decks aren't packing specific hate cards--but if there's Marvel in the meta watch out. They probably already have artifact hate.

Otherwise R/G gods/pummeler is probably a good choice, with sideboard Chandra, Torch of Defiance and Serpopard. You can always try a red-black aggressive list too. It'll be difficult to stay ahead of their sideboard cards as they adjust, but picking a deck that punishes bad draws, land flood, etc. helps.

June 3, 2017 9:39 a.m.

Snivy__ says... #4

I play Gearhulk Control rn, and I got beat by Jund Aggro at my last FNM. It was basically a Winding Constrictor deck with Cut//Ribbons and Glorybringer.

June 3, 2017 10:52 a.m.

EmblemMan says... #5

just play Dispossess in the sideboard its pretty hard for them to win after that

June 3, 2017 11:35 a.m.

Argy says... #6

They just Negate Dispossess, once they know you've got it.

Angelic High does well against Marvel.

Cast Out and Declaration in Stone help.

Declaration in Stone is also good against Zombie decks.

June 3, 2017 1:55 p.m. Edited.

EmblemMan says... #7

thats why you play around negate its really not that hard if you jam threats enough for them to not have enough resources to get the dispossess then you win.

June 3, 2017 2:08 p.m.

Argy says... #8

It's a timing thing.

You need to get Dispossess not to be Countered on Turn 3, because on Turn 4 they get Aetherworks Marvel on the field.

If they have Negate, that's it.

June 3, 2017 2:12 p.m.

EmblemMan says... #9

I thought we were talking about UR gearhulk control decks I was talking about dispossessing the gearhulks

June 3, 2017 2:24 p.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #10

Actually, marvel is one of control's best matchups. U/R contol does fairly well against both marvel and zombies, while failing abysmally against mardu vehicles. You want to beat control, play vehicles or something like jund aggro.

June 3, 2017 2:28 p.m.

theravagezz says... #11

A buddy of mine has been running our LGS with a Boros aggro deck. Always Watching along side other creatures that boost each other up is amazing. He turn 5-6 wins everytime. Reckless Bushwhacker, Honored-Crop Captain, Lone Rider and Glory-Bound Initiate are the key components of his deck.

June 3, 2017 9:09 p.m.

theravagezz tell your buddy to splash green. It is far worth it because in an Exert type aggro build, Prepare is a great card in it. As well they get to have Blossoming Defense to combat heavy removal decks. I tried it out, and it is awesome.

June 8, 2017 8:30 p.m.

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