Curse of Exhaustion and Possibility storm- good enough

Standard forum

Posted on May 16, 2013, 9:28 p.m. by cartwheelnurd

First of all, does Curse of Exhaustion work the same way it did with Knowledge Pool with Possibility Storm ? And secondly, if this is the case, would this be at all possible in a standard environment? with a RWU control shell, just with these enchantments, you could have a lockdown, or you could put it into something like United Enchantments as a few copies to surprise-combo them out.

kriskurse says... #2

It works the same way.

May 16, 2013 10:17 p.m.

Demarge says... #3

Or you can go all in on the pillow fort plan like The Mana of Possibility Control

May 17, 2013 12:55 a.m.

I wish people would leave this combo alone, it's cheap and nasty and an awful way to beat an opponent. Makes me sad face. 3:

May 17, 2013 6:26 a.m.

hiddengibbons says... #5

It doesn't work exactly the same way. Knowledge Pool exiles the cards into a sort of communal hand that all players have access to whereas Possibility Storm exiles until a spell with the same type as the initial one comes up, then all the spells, including the initial one go to the bottom of the library. But essentially, when paired with Curse of Exhaustion they have about the same effect on the person who is unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end. It is important to note that spells like Think Twice , Lingering Souls , Gravecrawler , or Misthollow Griffin could still be cast from the graveyard or in the case of the Griffin, from exile without being affected by the combo as Storm and Pool clearly say spells cast from the hand. I liked the combo enough to build a control deck with it called Possibilities, but just in case its too cute or it doesn't work, theres a transformational sideboard where the deck changes to Assemble the Legion with Ral Zarek . Its my belief that maybe at least 80 - 90 percent of opponents will concede when the combo goes online, but just in case, I keep 1 Assemble mainboard so that the deck doesn't necessarily have to win by submission.

May 22, 2013 12:46 p.m.

ozzynomicon says... #6

I'm making a control rug deck with 2 Melek Izzet paragon for the shenanigans of running my cards. I'm using some cute tricks like izzet staticaster/peddler creature kills and guttersnipe cuz I'll be running only 14 creatures and 24 lands with 4 farseek and the idea is to lock the opponent out cuz im gonna splash white for sphinx's revelation and render silent. But I think this deck will be better when standard does its rotation effects. Or I may just do a straight American deck with it

June 15, 2013 2:59 a.m.

Sainted says... #7

if the card exist and it isnt banned the player has every right to play it and if the opponenet didnt have an answer that IS on them. I used to rage face at Armageddon , and Jokulhaups and whine. Then i realized that jsut made me look like a noob. so i started finding answers. and i started crushing.

this is in response to DancesWithGoblins. a Naturalize ends this combo for good...with 2 mana.

June 15, 2013 11:59 p.m.

No ApocryphalSaint, no it doesn't,

You cast Naturalize , possibility storm it for a new spell, which you can't play. Your turn over.

June 16, 2013 8:22 a.m.

Sainted says... #9

oh because when they play the first part YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATS ABOUT TO HAPPEN

June 16, 2013 9:22 a.m.

Sainted says... #10

If i remember right this is at least a two step process. and a one step process for you.

June 16, 2013 9:23 a.m.

Sainted says... #11

and you should be running more tha one naturalize. you have a chance of pulling another especially if you dont run many Instants. and really if you find yourself completely getting boned even after the first step resolves then think about running blue.

and you do realize that when they only have teh first piece out if you do your stuff right you can actually use this to your advantage. Ive seen someone throw a Omniscience down for "free"

Ive never had a problem with this combo. Then again i never let it resolve if your running a deck with 4 sets of cards (as you should be for consistency) then you should have a 4 set of something with an answer.

Say that your Naturalize is the only Instant in your deck....well well problem solved. IDK i havent had a problem with it before. Dont act like you cant do anything after there first piece resolves.

ALSO there are TONS of ways in magic to get around casting a card.

June 16, 2013 9:33 a.m.

hiddengibbons says... #12

ApocryphalSaint makes a good point and this is why combo decks like this are best played as control so that you can prevent someone from using Naturalize on the Curse. It is very important though, that the Curse be cast before the Storm. I heard a story last week at FNM about a guy that cast the Storm before the Curse and basically shot himself in the foot.

June 21, 2013 4:29 p.m.

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