Day of mourning september 27
Standard forum
Posted on Sept. 6, 2013, 4:33 p.m. by nfcnorth
Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded is leaving standard. On a serious note which cards are you sad to see go? Mine are all the Innistrad planeswalkers (tibalt included) especially liliana :( Unburial Rites and the mythic angels and demons in Avacyn restored (Griselbrand , Gisela, Blade of Goldnight , Avacyn, Angel of Hope ect).
themindbullet says... #4
Augur of Bolas was a favorite of mine, I think Omenspeaker will work out alright though.
September 6, 2013 4:46 p.m.
Thragtusk ... You will forever be....haha just kidding I'm so ready for that guy to be gone. :P
September 6, 2013 4:47 p.m.
Izanagi_Deus says... #6
I'm an optimistic sort, so I prefer to look at it as I am happy to see so many new friends arriving, while letting the old pals enjoy their (standard) retirement. With that being said, have fun at the nursing home Hellrider !
September 6, 2013 4:47 p.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #7
No one broke Gloom Surgeon before it got into hoo...
@Izanagi_Deus has the right attitude though, and of course all the cards are still there to play with for Casual/Modern fun everywhere!
September 6, 2013 4:51 p.m.
Human_Rogue_21 says... #8
Vorapede , Kessig Wolf Run , Tamiyo, the Moon Sage , and Mutilate mostly... Unburial Rites and Mulch too...
September 6, 2013 4:54 p.m.
Snapcaster Mage , Restoration Angel , Sigarda, Host of Herons , Champion of the Parish , Silverblade Paladin , Thundermaw Hellkite , and Rancor
September 6, 2013 5:09 p.m.
actiontech says... #12
I'm holding up both middle fingers to Thragtusk and Restoration Angel . See ya bitches! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! I will be missing Lili + Mutilate though. Really hurts to see them go.
September 6, 2013 5:14 p.m.
pookypuppy6 says... #13
@ sylvannos: Hey, a relatively unique answer! Whatcha smoking! :D
I'll be missing the hope of a FNM-pisstaking Laboratory Maniac deck, plus Think Twice , Splinterfright and Boneyard Wurm . As for M13...well let'sw not beat about the bush, M13 was probably the best core set we've had yet. At least M14 brought back the Deadly Recluse .
September 6, 2013 5:24 p.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #14
I'll miss the beautiful interaction between Stromkirk Captain and Vampire Nighthawk ...
Wait, I play Casual, I've still got that. Ha!
September 6, 2013 5:31 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #17
I am legitimately sad that Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded never found a home. Nobody really even tried to make him work. He truly was, and always will be, a red-headed stepchild.
September 6, 2013 6:07 p.m.
Cobthecobbler says... #18
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad , Hellrider , Blood Artist , Thragtusk , Vorapede , Strangleroot Geist , Mikaeus, the Unhallowed , Undying as a mechanic, Pillar of Flame , Gravecrawler , Geralf's Messenger , Check lands, Kessig Wolf Run , Bloodline Keeper Flip , and one of my favorite cards to date, possibly my most favorite, Falkenrath Aristocrat . You will all be surely missed. I wish you the best of luck in modern and I hope people who start converting their standard decks to modern make good use of you. Come on guys, break these cards. You can do it.
September 6, 2013 6:18 p.m.
aeonstoremyliver says... #19
Farseek and the core duals, Rootbound Crag etc. Hate to see those go. Also Unburial Rites . With it's passing goes a deck archetype with it.
@pookypuppy6 I disagree. M10 - M12 saw the Titans, Primeval Titan , Inferno Titan , and so forth. They also had Lightning Bolt until M12, I think. So M10-M11 was badass. I returned to MtG during Zendikar block and M10. Most powerful Standard years since the original Ravnica and Mirrodin, IMHO.
September 6, 2013 6:19 p.m.
ShimmerVoid says... #20
Snapcaster Mage . I'm probably going to quit standard unless something really interesting is in Theros.
September 6, 2013 6:36 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #21
Champion of the Parish , Silverblade Paladin , Odric, Master Tactician , Sublime Archangel , Skirsdag High Priest Griselbrand , Blood Artist , Mayor of Avabruck Flip , Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , Tragic Slip , Bonfire of the Damned , Cavern of Souls , Cathedral of War , Vexing Devil , and a lot more I can't think of off the top of my head. Of course this is just personal preference.
Cards I'm glad to see gone are Snapcaster Mage , Thragtusk , and Restoration Angel . Again, personal preference.
September 6, 2013 6:53 p.m.
Think Twice is the one card I'll miss the most, so much utility, so good. Then, I wish Liliana of the Veil and Thoughtseize would be in standard together, but the gods do not work that way. Dissipate is another I'll miss, I'll snap, tamiyo and geist also.
The only card i'm glad is gone is Thragtusk
September 6, 2013 7:04 p.m.
landgrafb, I actually used Tibalt in a deck. Not at FNM, but I found him a home.
September 6, 2013 7:11 p.m.
Unforgivn_II says... #25
Surprised Arbor Elf isn't in here. He was so awesome for mana fixing with shocks... Also, good ol' Oblivion Ring .
September 6, 2013 7:43 p.m.
I'm going to miss Stuffy Doll and Blasphemous Act the most
September 6, 2013 7:55 p.m.
notamardybum says... #27
Kessig wolfrun :( and all key components of aristocrats Falkenrath Aristocrat Champion of the Parish Skirsdag High Priest , everything else im exceedingly happy to see go ( Snapcaster Mage Restoration Angel Olivia Voldaren Huntmaster of the Fells Flip
September 6, 2013 8:22 p.m.
thataddkid says... #28
As a magic player who got into the game right after Gatecrash, I am drinking your tears with joy and yearning for the day we are all on an equal level. Your precious Thragtusk, Aristocrats and Snappies will be useless in Standard soon and my crappy decks will rule FNM.
On a more serious note, having played only casual up to this point, the only card I wish I had a chance to use in tournament play is Ambush Viper . Friend would swing in with 23/23 Serra Avatar and I would flash him in and block.
September 6, 2013 8:46 p.m.
beakedbard says... #29
Snapcaster Mage and Hellrider will be the main cards I'll miss. Lingering Souls , Think Twice and Restoration Angel will also be greatly missed.
September 6, 2013 8:56 p.m.
SniperFrog says... #30
Misthollow Griffin . Literally the best mythic ever printed.
Ill miss Worldfire a little too.
September 6, 2013 9:32 p.m.
JeSuisUnPlaneswalker says... #31
Everything in the innistrad block, everything undying, gisela, reanimator, hellrider, all the angels and mostly... THRAAAAAAAAGTUUUUUUUUUSK
September 7, 2013 7:09 p.m.
Stuff huntmaster. That thing is so annoying. They literally do nothing on their turn, then kill a creature and ping me for 2, then at end step they putrefy something and slip something else, then they gain 2 and get a wolf, and ping 100 things with voldaren, then they end and hit me and a creature for 2, and now I need to play 2 spells or I'll die to a 9/9 Olivia and a thragtusk along with huntmaster and his wolves, and then he transforms back. Yay, and kills my creatures with Olivia. And instead of killing me, he ends, torturing me with 2 damage from ravager, and then I go: THIS IS ALL ROTATING WOOOOOOOOOOT. Well... Apart from putrefy and decay, but hey, black deserves a bit of removal.
September 7, 2013 11:29 p.m.
adding to my original post I would be remiss if I did not mention Lingering Souls so many fond memories with that card oh and Doomed Traveler and the card that made that deck scary Intangible Virtue . I guess I will also miss Vault of the Archangel to. But screw you Kessig wolfrun!
September 9, 2013 2:44 a.m.
harrydemon117 says... #34
Liliana of the Veil ... I FINALLY got her and now she's leaving me for modern only tournaments..
Her twin sister Liliana of the Dark Realms is a sad attempt at making me feel better
September 9, 2013 9:35 a.m.
GreatSword says... #35
Really sad all the zombies and vampires are going. I wish all the tribes of Innistrad were as competetive as Humans were, even spirits or werewolves.
I'll also miss the Morbid and the Loner mechanic from Avacyn.
September 9, 2013 9:43 a.m.
I'm sad to see Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker go, mostly because that means that KrazyCaley won't get to play the Bolas Alert on his stream. An AEtherling or transformed Ludevic's Test Subject Flip alert just isn't the same.
On a side note: Snappy and Thraggy are two cards I'm glad to see go.
September 9, 2013 11:19 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #37
Thank god everything with Undying is gone, is all I have to say.
September 9, 2013 11:58 a.m.
True, nothing is more demoralizing than having to Murder a Vorapede because you are sitting on 5 life.
September 9, 2013 12:33 p.m.
Champion of the Parish and Mayor of Avabruk , you will be missed :o(
September 9, 2013 2:20 p.m.
coming from a guy who just got back into magic with the launch of gatecrash I'm stoked that all these really gnarly innistrad cards wont be causing me trouble in the standard scene anymore.super bummed about losing Tragic Slip tho
acbooster says... #2
Restoration Angel is a sad one to go.
September 6, 2013 4:43 p.m.