Deck to beat only WU Control and MBD?

Standard forum

Posted on March 27, 2014, 10:47 p.m. by MSU_Iced_Z

My local meta, other than the random homebrew stuff, is almost exclusively WU/x control decks and B(/w). (I have literally never played a monsters deck in this setting, for example.) My question for all of you is what deck would you play if you only had to beat those two decks, and were willing to be as big an underdog as necessary for every other matchup?


tman007 says... #2

Junk midrange with the likes of Blood Baron of Vizkopa , Witchstalker , Sylvan Caryatid and Reaper of the Wilds because all take a dump on B(w) devotion/control and U/W(x) control. Mistcutter Hydra off the sideboard and they're going to have an awful matchup.

March 27, 2014 11:01 p.m.

Jimhawk says... #3

Boros Burn, every time. The deck was created to prey on the prevalence of removal in the format by playing no creatures and a pile of damage spells instead that can't be interacted with.

March 27, 2014 11:07 p.m.

Maze's End is incredible in these matchups, as UWx has no reliable way to interact with Maze's End itself, and MBD relies on devotion dorks to work, all of which are easily dealt with. Seriously, go do a gatherer search and type in monoblack cards with "destroy" and "enchantment." Yeah, those Detention Sphere s aren't going anywhere.

March 27, 2014 11:29 p.m.

MSU_Iced_Z says... #5

Very interesting, thank you all! And I really like that everyone has presented different options, gives me a lot to work with. lol Feel free to keep suggesting things.

March 27, 2014 11:35 p.m.

Rasta_Viking29 says... #6

R/W Burn is great vs both of those decks.

March 27, 2014 11:48 p.m.

Behgz says... #7

Go for the hybrid, Maze's Burn, LoL. jk thats actually a terrible idea.

The deck that took first at the SCG Seattle event like 2 1/2 weeks ago, not too hard to find, in fact, I'll just link it for you; Link

R/W Burn is a great place to start if your looking to attack your local Meta.

March 28, 2014 12:04 a.m.

notamardybum says... #8

Considering uw control and MBD are slow to start, and MBD does quite a bit of damage to itself, boros burn isn't a bad place to start at. Make sure to have a play set of Skullcrack in for when an opponent plays gray merchant or a revelations

March 28, 2014 2:23 a.m.

I have to disagree with the Burn deck and Maze's End suggestions.

With Burn, it would take a well-timed Skullcrack to beat Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Sphinx's Revelation (even elixer of immortality could be tough to overcome). Also, Desecration Demon can ruin your day without a Chained to the Rocks handy. The deck has answers, but you'll need the right ones at the right time, and you only have 4 of each. And while you don't run that many creatures, Detention Sphere and Syncopate can still shut down Chandra's Phoenix , and a savvy UW player will look to counter your Boros Charm and Warleader's Helix since burn decks go into topdeck mode quickly.

With Maze's End, Nightveil Specter can destroy your gameplan, and there's no way to stop Gary. Also, MBD can get all the cards they want out of Underworld Connections without worrying about life loss, and Erebos, God of the Dead destroys the deck off the sideboard. Plus, almost every sideboard these days runs Pithing Needle which is practically an auto-scoop for Maze's End. Maze's End's only decent matchup is against UW, but even then, they can counter your Fog s, and their win cons can be a huge problem for you. Besides, no decent human being should ever consider playing a Turbofog deck.

GR would probably be the best bet for these matchups. UW only has 4 D-Spheres to deal with 8+ Planeswalkers, and the creatures are so huge that you don't have to overextend and get burned by Supreme Verdict . Xenagos, God of Revels certainly helps that cause, and Stormbreath Dragon demands an immediate Verdict. The MBD matchup is pretty even, but if you can get a Domri Rade online early or get a couple cranks out of Garruk, Caller of Beasts , you can outpace their removal with card advantage, lock down their Demons by feeding them mana dorks, and easily outclass their other creatures.

March 28, 2014 5:15 a.m.

Jimhawk says... #10

ChrisHansonBiomancin, the results of the man at the helm of Boros burn, James Fazzolari, have been overwhelmingly positive in the UWx and Monoblack matchups. His success is well documented in his GP, PTQ, and video results in his ChannelFireball articles and videos. My personal record is reflective of this as well. My rebuttal is as follows:

Who cares if their deck has Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Sphinx's Revelation ? They only get four of those cards, and we have an equal amount of Skullcrack . Yours is an awful argument to make when the resource distribution is equal. Cards like Divination and Underworld Connections increase their odds of finding their best cards against the burn deck, but each use of these cards costs 4+ life thanks to creature- and spell-based pressure. Ultimately, the matchup is largely defined by skill; proper sequencing and decision-making will lead the superior player to victory with all extraneous factors being equal. That said, the aggressive deck defines the amount of time its opponent even has, and thus limits the number of decisions that can be made. Because of the consistency of Boros Burn and its near immunity to removal-heavy control decks like UWx and Monoblack, the amount of turns available to those decks is very low because of all the dead cards in their decks. My UWx record is 6-0 and my Monoblack matchup is 3-1. I supremely enjoy playing against those two decks because they are my best matchups.

I'm of the opinion that GR is god-awful in the current meta thanks to the rise in Lifebane Zombie and Ultimate Price and the continued popularity of Supreme Verdict , and that Jund is more suited to fighting the decks in question because of access to maindeck Rakdos's Return and sideboarded Slaughter Games . Many pros have come to this exact conclusion, and Luis Scott-Vargas actually discusses this in today's Top Decks article on DailyMTG.

March 28, 2014 5:54 a.m.

I completely agree with tman007. & Not only do you have what he mentioned. But there is Fleecemane Lion which can be indestructible and a very early threat, Loxodon Smiter for counters, Voice of Resurgence good for control and stalling a Desecration Demon, you have things like Obzedat, Ghost Council , Boon Satyr , Advent of the Wurm . Two threatening PWs (Elspeth and Vraska). removal like Abrupt Decay , Putrefy , Hero's Downfall , Revoke Existence , Thoughtseize and all the other usual black stuff. If you want card draw you can, life gain potential is also there. Personally I have never lost to either matchup with my current Junk deck and Im in the middle of changing the sideboard bc there was no reason for me to have a ton of anticontrol cards. Its my easiest matchup. I dont even use ramp so I can be aggressive like I use Fleecemane over Caryatid. IDK, I jut wanted to add that both of those decks are my easiest matchups. Im on my phone but Im sure theres stuff I missed.. Oh yeah, like Golgari Charm . And since esper has been getting more popular than just U/W. Flashing in a Boon Satyr to trade with a Baron is lovely.

March 28, 2014 6:47 a.m.

Jimhawk you are 100% right about R/W Burn and 100% wrong about Monsters. G/R is better than Jund hands down. Way faster, more consistent, better threats, and less derping around. Even Cedric Phillips the creator of Jund Monsters said so and my countless hours with the deck have reaffirmed that. The issue with most Monster decks is they play the Courser of Kruphix slowing their deck down in a meta that is tuned to take advantage. Playing an aggressive G/R build is the way to go and crushes U/W/x and has a 60/40 matchup with Black/Orzhov.

March 28, 2014 8:21 a.m.

Dualfmg9 says... #13

I played Maze's End at an IQ in Kansas City 2 weeks ago or so. I played U/W control and aggro decks all day and went 6-1. In the match for first i played against U/W control in the finals and won game 1, then he sided in archangels and fiendslayer paladins and went full blown aggro, he won 2-1. But still mazes end was awesome for the metta.

March 28, 2014 12:26 p.m.

Dualfmg9 I'm going to play Maze's End at the upcoming IQ in Burlington, it's just too awesome to pass up. FOG LIFE!

March 28, 2014 12:28 p.m.

DrLitebur says... #15

If you want or need a deck to beat a U/W control deck, take a look at this hoses MUD decks, and Azorius Control decks.

Counter THIS!

March 28, 2014 12:43 p.m.

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