Do you think U/G will be competitive in Standard?

Standard forum

Posted on Jan. 29, 2014, 2:33 p.m. by TheBolas

Does anyone think that U/G in standard will start popping up more? I personally would love to get a competitive U/G deck going. What do you guys think?

gufymike says... #2

It might have a chance, the u/g dude, untap target permanent is pretty strong and a potential player in standard, opening up room for bant control. Control and aggro might be the things, midrange might have lost out with that instant speed wipe though. But I think the problem we'll see is the same thing we saw this past standard. Good decks that are strong get ignored by the players for the best deck in the format. I feel like the diversity just isn't there because of this. The format itself is diverse the players have locked it into mono-b/u u/w/x control. .

January 29, 2014 2:39 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #3

If you check out the SCGOpens, you'll see of course the big 3, but you'll also see a lot of tier 2 decks that end up top 8ing and sometimes even winning. This is more the stage that I believe UG devotion / whatever will see. As stated above, it's really hard to get people to change, but there will surely be some to try it out, and possibly even take it to the top of a major event. We'll see what the pro tour has to say about how the meta will change with this one. Maybe there will be another break away deck like The Aristocrats from PT Gatecrash.

January 29, 2014 2:45 p.m.

kmcree says... #4

I honestly think it's only a mater of time before someone builds something solid around Prophet of Kruphix . Some of the other U/G cards in this set will help a little also. I think its a definite possibility.

January 29, 2014 2:50 p.m.

TheBolas says... #5

@kmcree I would love to build a deck around Prophet of Kruphix . Very strong card! I feel like U/G has a lot of potential and I hope to build a new deck around that!

January 29, 2014 3:09 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #6

Honestly, I'm waiting for a giant green or white thing that I can ramp up to using Prophet of Kruphix and Karametra, God of Harvests .

January 29, 2014 3:19 p.m.

Both Green and Blue Devotion work well when splashing the other color, and each has seen play in major tournaments.

With MUD, splashing Green is mostly done for the Master Biomancer -Master of Waves combo, plus it's nice to have the Biomancer around to increase the value of topdecking all those cheap flyers late. Simic Charm also comes in handy here, and Frilled Oculus even gets some reps. Mistcutter Hydra on the side helps them dominate the mirror match. Example:

With MGD, splashing Blue helps shore up the deck's biggest weakness, which is lack of draw power outside of Garruk, Caller of Beasts . That's important since decks like MBD and Esper can kill the big threats with ease, though AEtherling is often sided in against such decks. Prime Speaker Zegana can get some huge draws and Jace, Architect of Thought provides an option lower on the curve. Cyclonic Rift 's overload is devastating when combined with MGD's fast ramp. And yes, Prophet of Kruphix can be awesome in such a build and helps to outpace other Green / GR shells. Here's that deck: I have also been playing a version of the deck for the last couple months with good success: My Prophet, Your Loss (Top 4 FNM)

There's also a Simic Flash deck that's been going around that is pretty tough to beat when in the right hands since it lets the player react to their opponent with counterspells, bounces, or guys like Boon Satyr and Horizon Chimera :

January 29, 2014 4:22 p.m.

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