Dreg Mangler Vs Loxodon Smiter Vs Fleecemane Lion
Standard forum
Posted on Dec. 18, 2013, 10:04 p.m. by Some1TookMyName
Dreg Mangler ...Fleecemane Lion ...Loxodon Smiter Im looking for thoughts on using either in a Midrange Junk deck. Elvish Mystic is in the deck so I can potentially Turn2 either of these guys or a Fleecemane if no Elvish is available. and Turn 3 any of these guys with a turn 4 monstrous with either Elvish Mystic or Sylvan Caryatid for Fleecemane. and all can find decent play later in the match for midrange.So my debate is Dreg Mangler can hit fast as soon as 3 on T2 and with all this removal in standard, still find use after death by scavenging onto ideally Reaper of the Wilds or Blood Baron of Vizkopa . Fleecemane is very vulnerable but monsrous is no problem with the deck and i also have a playset of Voice of Resurgence and Sylvan Caryatid as 2CMC creatures. Then theres Loxodon Smiter who has his thing going on and I can potentially have a 4/4 on T2. So who would you want in the current meta? For now Im running Fleece and havent hated it. My deck is on my profile (Heart of a Lion) if you'd like more info. Id really really appreciate help and thank you very much in advance.
Three-Left-Feet says... #3
Lotleth Troll is a pretty nice creature that can fend off control decks pretty well! Although then they hit an Azorius Charm or something and bounce it, then counter it, and then sadness... I hate control....
I'd say Dreg Mangler mainboard for the beats, and Loxodon Smiter in the side.. I like it :)
December 18, 2013 10:23 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #4
You know, I never really cared for him. I should at least give it a shot, Ill playtest him. It is a very minor presence bc whoever goes in theres only going to be a 2x. But its a great suggestion
December 18, 2013 10:23 p.m.
Three-Left-Feet says... #5
I still like the idea of Lotleth Troll actually.. Really nice card, even if it's just in the side
December 18, 2013 10:24 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #6
I hate Azorius Charm... :c but yeah whatever I do Lox will be sideboard if not mainboard but Ive been seeing a lot of MB Lox just bc he's gud. Some guy in a GP in Japan this past week came 2nd place with a bant deck running MB playset of Lox.
December 18, 2013 10:26 p.m.
Three-Left-Feet says... #7
Sounds like you're leaning for Loxodon Smiter man, and it is a good card, so I'm surprised you're even asking for advice :P sounds like you're set
December 18, 2013 10:35 p.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #8
Actually Im really leaning towards Lotleth Troll. Lox just is a great sideboard there would be no reason to side any of the others
December 18, 2013 10:41 p.m.
The mention of scavenging onto blood baron would actually be an illegal play as scavenging is a targeted ability from a black source and blood baron has prot black.
December 19, 2013 12:46 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #10
cool. didnt think far enough for that. but I think Im just going to go with Desecration Demon :/ as much as i dont want to
December 19, 2013 12:49 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #11
After checking out your deck, I like Loxodon Smiter the best of the 3. Demarge is correct that you can't Scavenge the Mangler onto Blood Baron; otherwise I'd say go for that. If you like the idea of Scavenging onto your resilient big guys, you might also consider Deadbridge Goliath .
December 19, 2013 2:03 a.m.
Some1TookMyName says... #12
Making a decision is so hard... and im still making lots of changes to my board. By the curve Lox does seem to fit better. and Deadbridge Goliath is awesome too. stop giving me suggestions :s lol jk. Ive been working on this deck for a really long time and I see Junk decks place well in a bunch of events with really different ideas and my deck is different from any ive seen. Im taking it tonight to a standard competition and tommorow at an FNM.
December 19, 2013 2:22 a.m.
I run a fairly similar deck to yours IRL. I run Loxodon Smiter mainboard and Lotleth Troll sideboard. Decks with a lot of removal (Esper Control, MBD, etc.) gets the Lotleth Trolls brought in; but a 4/4 turn 2 is pretty strong as a wall, especially when followed up with a t3 deso demon.
notamardybum says... #2
what about Lotleth Troll . he could make good use of mana dorks that are drawn late game, and he's a very resilient creature.
December 18, 2013 10:16 p.m.