Enchantment removal question

Standard forum

Posted on Sept. 22, 2013, 12:15 p.m. by SharuumNyan

I'd like to get some opinions on enchantment removal cards in Theros, like Ray of Dissolution and Destructive Revelry .

During the prerelease I figured these would be useful in main because of the number of enchantments and enchantment creatures in the set, but about half the time I played decks that were running few enchantments, and an enchantment removal was just dead in my hand.

In standard, would you sideboard these cards, or stick a couple in your main deck anyway?

This is probably going to be more specific to the meta game at my store, but I'd like to hear opinions. Typically I would always sideboard a card like Annul , but with this set I have no idea what to do yet.

DrFunk27 says... #2

They are definitely viable for sideboard and perhaps mainboard where you will run into cards like Madcap skills, Unflinching Courage, Detention Sphere, etc. For sure SB and possibly MB.

September 22, 2013 12:23 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #3

I didn't play at the pre-release, so I don't have any experience with Theros so far, but it seems that most of the enchantments and enchantment creatures don't really mesh well together unless it's a deck that completely focuses on enchantments. When Standard rotates, I can see Ethereal Armor and Sphere of Safety decks being powerful in the beginning, but losing speed when the meta solidifies. Definitely mainboard in the early days but then you can make the decision based on the decks that are continuously played.

September 22, 2013 12:30 p.m.

Dritz says... #4

I sideboard between 3-4 Wear / Tear in the current meta I deal with. (Currently I mostly play against decks similar in nature to classic Bantchantments) Apart from that I don't have a wealth of experience with other color's answers to Enchantments so I'm less helpful there. (Although Naturalize , Swan Song and Destructive Revelry all seem worthwhile to me, at least in the side)

September 22, 2013 12:38 p.m.

DrFunk27 says... #5

Also remember, these new enchantment creatures can be killed using destroy target enchantment. That is one major flaw with them.

September 22, 2013 2:13 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

Moved to Standard.

Ray of Dissolution is not playable in Standard. It's too expensive for too little benefit.

Destructive Revelry could see play in RG, especially because it doubles as burn.

Wear / Tear is shaping up to be a strong removal spell.

September 22, 2013 2:49 p.m.

sonofabelll says... #7

@ DrFunk27, most of these new enchantment creatures are God's and they are indestructible.

September 22, 2013 3:13 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #8

That's why they printed Fade into Antiquity .

September 22, 2013 3:15 p.m.

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