End Hostilities + Abzan Ascendancy + Grim Haruspex

Standard forum

Posted on Sept. 14, 2014, 12:20 p.m. by selesvyaloverer8

Could a midrangey deck with End Hostilities , Abzan Ascendancy , and Grim Haruspex , and some big creatures and a bunch of removal be good? For example, there is a huge gummed up board with an Abzan Ascendancy and/or a Grim Haruspex on your side of the board and you blow up the board with End Hostilities leaving yourself with a bunch of spirit tokens and a bunch of cards in hand and your opponent screwed b/c they didnt see a full board wipe coming from a midrange deck.

On the kitchen table or in magical christmas land, sure, but it won't do much elsewhere.

September 14, 2014 12:52 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #3

If you're playing a wrath, you need to want it in your deck. 5 mana is a lot, and if all it's doing is being useful when the board clogs and terrible otherwise, you shouldn't be running it at all.

September 14, 2014 1:07 p.m.

Thanks, i figured it wouldnt amount to anything but it seemed like an interesting interaction

September 14, 2014 2:07 p.m.

Not to say that the concept doesn't have merit, it just doesn't have a big enough payoff in this case.

An example of this concept working the right way was the Esper Midrange deck from RTR-Theros Standard that ran Supreme Verdict with Xathrid Necromancer s in a midrange tribal shell. The reason that deck did well for its run was:

a) It was tailored to beat a very specific metagame. Standard after the Theros Pro Tour was mostly Mono-black and UW/Esper control. The recursion value made their removal spells a lot worse which allowed the advantage to pile up in increments.

b) If you topdeck a Xathrid Necromancer and have no board, at least he is a body. If you topdeck Abzan Ascendancy and have no board presence, you still have no board presence.

So there are cases where the idea does work out, I just don't think this will be one of those times :)

September 14, 2014 3:44 p.m.

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