Esper Decks in the Top 8 of Worlds SB Questions
Standard forum
Posted on Aug. 31, 2015, 12:48 p.m. by Slowgod
I've been playing my own brew of Esper Dragons and having great success. I threw in Hangarbacks and Sorin's for early game chump blocking and lifegain. Anyway I'm very curious as I wasn't able to watch most of the matches how the Esper players were Sideboarding? I'm a little surprised NONE of them used Jace in their MB, did they only add in Jace and Tasigur against control matchups and what did they take out for them? The one guy who had Hangarbacks in his sideboard, did he use them at all? Specifically I'm talking about this deck: Esper Dragons Top 8I feel like sideboarding is the weakest part of my game and I'm really trying to figure out what to take out for what in each kind of matchup. Thanks!