Extinguish All Hope as a black boardsweep?

Standard forum

Posted on April 23, 2014, 10:10 p.m. by LordOfDispair

I realize it is nothing compared to Supreme Verdict and the like, but seriously, does this card have potential in a non-white control deck? As a Grixis player I have to say it doesn't look that bad an option compared to the rest of the crap that's available, especially if you run things like Brain Maggot and Master of the Feast . Is this just wishful thinking about a dead deck type?

Arvail says... #2

Merciless Eviction was never a thing... I guess if you ran nothing but enchantment creatures...

April 23, 2014 10:24 p.m.

xlaleclx says... #3

The card is definitely very bad considering how much mana it costs and how many relevant enchantment creatures are in the format.

April 23, 2014 10:48 p.m.

Blizzicane says... #4

If only it costed 2BB it would still kind of be a worse Damnation (unless you were running enchantment creatures) for the most part but at least it would be playable... ):

April 24, 2014 12:19 a.m.

WovenNebula says... #5

April 24, 2014 1:36 a.m.

WovenNebula says... #6

I personally don't believe it is a good card, if the dropped the mana cost down it could be very viable. It should of costed 2BB it wouldn't be as good as Damnation as snowstorm said but it would more feasible to use and more balanced tho not so much in standard as it would be in other formats cause then that would dictate certain kinds of decks in standard so it seems like when they created it they were in sort of a jam and just made it worse lol

April 24, 2014 1:40 a.m.

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