Favorite Cards in Khans
Standard forum
Posted on Oct. 6, 2014, 9:45 a.m. by xGhostx
So the more I play with Crackling Doom the more I love it! its just all around great removal, plus deals damage and can deal with pesky hexproof all for 3 mana!
I think this is currently an underrated card and dont be surprised to see it spike in playtime and value! Easily one of my favorites from Khans.
I think my overall favorite card released from Khans is Butcher of the Horde This guy, he just wins games. He is Haste attacker when your opponent does not expect it, he can be a wall the following turn if you gave him vigilance and his by far best feature is the lifelink! In my Mardu build I was very worried about the need of so many painlands. Until this guy started hitting the board every game. Now I not bothered at all about whittling myself down to 14, 12, 10 life getting my board presence because I know he will keep me alive. +1 to Butcher of the Horder
Stone_Munkee says... #3
Sorin, Solemn Visitor for me. He's just so good in his colors and is super good with token generators like Goblin Rabblemaster Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Elspeth, Sun's Champion
October 6, 2014 10:04 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #4
Siege Rhino . Numbuh 1: he's a rhino. Numbuh 2: his ETB ability is pretty amazing. Numbuh 3: 4/5 tramply body for 4 is a hell yes. Numbuh 4: did I mention he's a rhino?
October 6, 2014 10:19 a.m.
BorosPlayer says... #5
Siege Rhino too
Gain 3 life costs .
Opponent loses 3 life costs .
The only place where a 4/5 costs is Tarmogoyf , and this one has trample.
October 6, 2014 10:25 a.m.
The Rhino is very insane, another super powered card is Mantis Rider that guy is just gross. All in all I am very pleased with what Khans has done to Standard so far. Pre-Rotation I was getting bored, I was tired of seeing FNM having games hit time always because everyone and their dog was running either AEtherling and/or Elspeth, Sun's Champion Do Nothing Control builds.
This rotation has really shaken things up, and so far, in my opinion for the better.
October 6, 2014 10:31 a.m.
my favorite card overall is probably Sorin, Solemn Visitor . He does so much in a B/W shell that it's insane!
For limited I am impressed by the amount of work Kheru Bloodsucker has put in. It has done it through its sacrifice effect and the triggered ability. You haven't lived until you've killed someone with his triggered ability! Also, Swarm of Bloodflies is BFFs with Kheru Bloodsucker .
October 6, 2014 11:58 a.m.
My favorites are definitely Bloodsoaked Champion because he makes my boy Tymaret playable in standard, Gurmag Swiftwing because hell yes, and Sorin.
October 6, 2014 12:09 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #9
my favorite is Rakshasa Deathdealer so cool. so good at staying alive.
October 6, 2014 12:30 p.m.
Scytec Khans has done ALOT to make Tymaret, the Murder King playable in standard, I have been messing around with ways to fit him in as a 2of in my Mardu build :)
asasinater13 I really like the Deathdealer, but he has been around, he was essentially a straight Standard replacement for Lotleth Troll more or less in Standard Golgari and Dredge builds.
October 6, 2014 12:55 p.m.
asasinater13 says... #11
I knowww. I miss my Lotleth Troll and I'm not sure if I liked the troll or the deathdealer more. I need to pick up a few deathdealers and try them out.
October 6, 2014 12:56 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #12
I'm going to go with a card that doesn't have a mana cost now...
I'm loving See the Unwritten
That moment when you See the Unwritten and discover your next 6 draws would have been lands had you not used that card.
October 6, 2014 1:07 p.m.
Hey now weisemanjohn I named Mantis Rider lol
But yeah, See the Unwritten is strong, I just dont think it has found its home yet. Once someone breaks Golgari or BUG Dredge/Delve then I think that will be a Khans Power card for sure!
October 6, 2014 1:22 p.m.
I'm split between Empty the Pits and Rakshasa Deathdealer the first is because instant 10 2/2 zombies is funny as hell everytime and then the dealer is because he's a muthaflippin Cat Demon that type alone is fantasic
October 6, 2014 2:06 p.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #15
Butcher of the Horde is my favorite hands down. A four drop game finisher that can attack out the gate, gain life, and still be able to block, (if you have enough tokens that is) what's not to love about it?
October 6, 2014 3:22 p.m.
This may be a little cliche but I'm seriously digging Surrak Dragonclaw .
Can't be countered and prevents other creatures from being countered? What's not to love?
T4 Prophet of Kruphix pass
Eot Surrak Dragonclaw . Have fun dealing with that.
October 6, 2014 4:06 p.m.
Bellock86 My issue with Surrak is that there is just equally or overall better things a Temur build could be doing for 5 mana. Savage Knuckleblade or Sagu Mauler off the top.
I tried to make Surrak work in a solid Temur build but I just dont think he has found his home yet mainly because Prophet of Kruphix and Nylea, God of the Hunt accomplish pretty well the same thing with a great board presence, and all in all better results.
October 6, 2014 5:13 p.m.
xGhostx - i feel the need to point out that the 2 cards you mentioned have there own list of cons. Savage Knuckleblade requires a constant stream of mana to keep him on par. Not to mention he caps at being a 4/4 so by turn 5 he's really just not going to be that a big a threat. Early game yeah he's awesome but if it makes it to turn 5 or 6 which it usually will with current standard he becomes less and less appealing.
Sagu Mauler is 6 mana to cast. I know you were referencing morph but then he's 8 mana and has to survive the turn to be of any use.
I know that Nylea, God of the Hunt may be a better beater than Surrak Dragonclaw but I don't like that her beastieness depends on Devotion. I know that hitting Devo in green is really easy but all it takes is a well timed Hero's Downfall on one of my heavy hitters and they just 2 for 1 me by making nylea an enchantment that gives trample and can no longer attack. Combing Nylea and Prophet of Kruphix is not the same as comboing surrak and prophet.
Prophet gives all my creatures flash and Surrak makes them uncounterable. That is HUGE advantage against control decks. The beauty is that if they have mana open for a counter you just wait and EOT Surrak and then cast prophet the following turn and it's a never ending barrage of beaters.
I'm not saying that Surrak Dragonclaw is the best card in khans but he's definitely worth mentioning.
i built a control deck that uses the referenced combo and being able to Negate a Hero's Downfall or End Hostilities or swing and then still have my mana open on my opponent's turn for more counter magic is great advantage.
October 6, 2014 5:53 p.m.
All valid points :) Not saying he is bad, at all. Just think he has a home that has not yet been found. He is deff one of the better Khans for sure.
October 6, 2014 7:18 p.m.
CastleSiege says... #20
Clever Impersonator is my favorite card of the set because he can be practically anything >_>
October 6, 2014 7:29 p.m.
xGhostx ~ understood and appreciate your point of view. It's nice to be able to express an opinion and not have someone get all butt hurt about it like they are the MTG god and everyone should bow to their opinions as law.
Okay sorry. End rant.
BTW this deck Bait and Switch. GUR!! (HELP NEEDED) is where I'm applying what you and I are discussing. Not to deck plug but I would like your opinion on it as you seem to be able to play both sides of the coin objectively and I'm (attmitedly) kind of partial to surrak.
October 6, 2014 7:31 p.m.
Bellock86 Hahahahaha I consider myself Guru status of MTG and deck building, but I am also well aware that everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I am never one to flat out say "Your idea is stupid, and your stupid for thinking that" There is no such thing as stupid ideas.
When I started Magic back in the Ice Age days, Deck Building and Synergetic Concepts were all very new things still. I was lucky to have a good solid community that worked together and shared ideas. I want to pass that ideology along to the newer generation of players :)
I took a look at your deck and posted so indepth ideas, Hope they help :) Good Luck!
EmblemMan says... #2
I dont see crackling doom going up past its high price now but it is good
October 6, 2014 9:58 a.m.