First Tri-Color
Standard forum
Posted on Jan. 17, 2013, 11:47 p.m. by Three-Left-Feet
With Gatecrash coming out (as we all know), i see plenty of possibilities that i'm liking.
I'm thinking Grixis would be awesome just due to Burn spells, and all over screwing up the opponent. Dimir/Rakdos/Izzet basically. Counters, burns, kills,and cards like card:Rakdos's Return or even make it mill with Mind Grind , Jace, Memory Adept , Increasing Confusion . But then red is almost unneeded.
Naya, for Gruul/Boros/Selesnya (but not much Selesnya for it...) which would be ALL OUT AGGRO, and i'm expecting T4 win possibilites. Plenty of quick fatties, or at least temporary flub to help kill off the enemy and/or their creatures quickly. Definitely the most aggro, but i just see this stuff being played too much... Plenty of people will be running it. Plus, not too many people will do this, but Glaring Spotlight could be in the main-board, just use it for the sacrificial ability to swing for MASSIVE damage mid-game.
Esper, for Board Wipes, and a bit of screwing them over. With Extort, and Crypt Ghast , and Lazav, Dimir Mastermind . With a bit of mill to give Lazav more options.
R/W/B (don't know the official title for it) or Boros/Orzhov/Rakdos. Again, Crypt Ghast which helps with B-mana which can do some serious damage with card:Rakdos's Return. 10 mana on the field, possibility of 16 damage. And that's with ONE on the field. Also Aggro with Boros, and with the same Crypt Ghast tactic, get card:Aurelia's Fury. And Merciless Eviction Is just awesome :)
If you haven't noticed, i'm loving "X" spells :) i just HATE drawing into too many lands and not having a use for them.
Any opinions on what might go good with what? I'd love to hear any and all opinions :) just want to make a good deck for standard, b/c this will be determining if i stick with standard or go modern and POSSIBLY legacy (just a dredge deck to get started, and i'll see where it goes from there)
10vernothin says... #3
I want to call RWB blitz cuz RW and RB designed to rush and overwhelm , but then WB comes and ruins the aggro
January 18, 2013 2:08 a.m.
DawnsRayofLight says... #4
Most people are going naya, I think I will be playing red green beats or RUG and RWU Midrange when gatecrash drops, my teammate is going some esper route he has not entirely elaborated on, I assume some mill/control Ghost Council stuff. Grixis will be fun for the the X spells, but I might splash white to play card:Sphinx's Revelation to gain some life here and there. Hopefully the burn spells will get you there before aggro can do too much damage.
Esper and Naya have the most power, but do try and experiment a bit, some color combinations of colors seem powerful red white has some powerful stuff right now, especially with the charm. Esper has some fun cards as well, Tamiyo, the Moon Sage and Blind Obedience and Martial Law has some synergy. I can give some suggestions for cards to run in wither list, but naya and esper have a lot of different cards to throw in to get a different formula compared to others.
January 19, 2013 10:08 p.m.
Three-Left-Feet says... #5
Alright DawnsRayofLight, so far I've tried some different ideas of Naya and Esper, and right now i'm liking Esper a little more. deck:mill-tastrafy is what I've created, tell me what you think?
Epochalyptik says... #2
Moved to Standard to promote relevant discussion.
January 17, 2013 11:56 p.m.