First Weekend of Standard Gatecrash
Standard forum
Posted on Feb. 3, 2013, 1:26 p.m. by Jimhawk
My first weekend of Gatecrash Standard is over. I could play more today but then I would miss the Super Bowl... that's a no-no.
I ended up playing my pre-Gatecrash deck, Knights of the Blood Oath, at FNM. I ended up going 0-3 drop, a complete abnormality for the deck considering its past success.
On Saturday I played The Sunfist Brigade in an 8-man double elimination tournament and split for first in the finals.
From my experience, the most popular and most successful deck after Gatecrash has been Red Deck Wins. It got a major boost from Legion Loyalist , Boros Reckoner , and Skullcrack . Reckoners are in almost as much demand as the shocklands in my area.
How was everyone else's Standard experiences? What was the most popular or successful deck in your area's metagame?
That was an existing combo for infinite life and hasty damage with Falkenrath Aristocrat ; Cartel Aristocrat just makes it more consistent by being a human but removes the hasted damage and replaces it with wolves.
There were already several infinite combos in Standard for life, damage, and mana, but all of them (including that one) require too many factors to go right. The one you mentioned is the most viable because self-mill helps get all the pieces together more reliably.
February 3, 2013 1:53 p.m.
I played at scg Atlanta this past weekend and I played this deck RUG midrange. I saw some success (7-3) and with a few more tweaks I think the deck could be a complete powerhouse. My loses were against Brian Braun Duin playing Human reanimator, a random opponent playing UWR flash, and another random opponent playing UWR flash. The reanimator deck is strong but will dwindle down when people start playing graveyard hate again. As for UWR flash, it seems really powerful but really weak to planeswalkers. One game I landed a turn 2 Domri Rade and my opponent couldn't do anything about it, the emblem was then enough to do him in. Mono red is really powerful i feel and Boros Reckoner makes it harder to play against for midrange decks being able to trade favorably with both parts of a thragtusk, so that is why i decided to play a deck with Master Biomancer .
Slycne says... #2
I actually drafted and sealed this weekend since my boxes haven't arrived yet.
But one deck I did pick up on though is Human Reanimator got a whole lot more interesting with Cartel Aristocrat . It gives the deck an infinite life and infinite creatures interaction with Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , Fiend Hunter and card:Angel of Glory's Rise.
Basically, cast/rites card:Angel of Glory's Rise ETB returns all humans, Huntmaster of the Fells Flip ETB Fiend Hunter ETB exiles card:Angel of Glory's Rise, Cartel Aristocrat eats Fiend Hunter and Huntmaster of the Fells Flip , card:Angel of Glory's Rise returns and brings humans back, rinse and repeat.
February 3, 2013 1:44 p.m.