FNM Tonight! NEED a little help!!
Standard forum
Posted on April 5, 2013, 11:57 a.m. by 8vomit
So Im going to FNM tonight with my Jundy DOOM! deck. Its pretty solid for the most part, but theres a few things I need help with. I dont know what to do against a good mill deck. Maybe just sideboard a few elixir of immortality? Also, most of the deck is low drop stuff, so midgame I sometimes hit a dry hand. What is something red, green, or black cards that let me fill my hand up a little bit? I considered altars reap, but thats kinda lame. If you guys could please leave me some suggestions about what I should do for these issues, it would be MUCHO appreciated. thanks :)
Ok, so I would go with the elixir's against mill. You gain life, your graveyard back, and you get to shuffle allowing you to grab somethin you needed that was milled away. To draw, how about garruk primal hunter? Or cremate? It's graveyard hate with a draw bonus.
The Doctor says... #2
Deck Link : Jundy DOOM!
April 5, 2013 1:18 p.m.