Game Day Original Brews!

Standard forum

Posted on April 20, 2015, 8:50 a.m. by EssTea

So this weekend was Game Day for pretty much everyone. As of right now, I think standard is very diversified and fun, it seems like all decks can have their chances of winning!

Tappedout is a lot about original builds and extravagent ideas, some of them viable and some of them a bit too gimmicky.
Did any of you have the courage to bring an original brew to the tables? If yes, how did it go? Or maybe you've played against a really weird deck? We wanna hear your anecdotes!

So basically I weny 4-0 with a home brew that beat 3 meta net decks (U/W Control, U/B control, and Abzan Control) and it beat a very interesting non meta deck that was U/R dragons counter/burn. The deck I was playing was in fact Naya Dragons (it's essentially R/G aggro with Mastery of the Unseen and Whisperwood Elemental with a few other goodies.) Feel free to take a look on my page. I'm driving right now so I can't link the deck at this time. I know tsk tsk. But yeah, Mastery is still very good especially when you get to ultize Ashcloud Phoenix, Deathmist Raptor, and Den Protector. it can also just go straight out aggro or go midrange with some late game bombs.

April 20, 2015 9:13 a.m.

Boza says... #3

I gave a friend a decent version of the Mono Zombie Control. It is a very fun deck with lots of variable plays, I like it a lot.

April 20, 2015 9:26 a.m.

buildingadeck says... #4

I took my TurboFog deck, and I went 1-3, beating a GW manifest deck, and then losing to three red-based decks. I think I can stay competitive with my most recent edits to the side and main, but we'll see.

April 20, 2015 9:28 a.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #5

So you beat Control with a bunch of cards which are exceptional against control, Metagaming paying off!!!

I played Jeskai Dragons, My list was built to target the aggro decks of my metagame.

I 3-1d FNM and was unable to attend gameday but a friend piloted my deck to a 1-3, Only ein being a bye.

I have no idea what happened that day, A newbie on UW Heroic won.

April 20, 2015 9:29 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #6

At FNM the night before I realized the Standard deck I had been playing for a while (THS-KTK-M15 Enchantress Whip) was no longer exciting or interesting to me. After I got back from Record Store Day shopping on Saturday morning I had a sudden rush of wild ideas and quickly put together this deck before the Game Day that afternoon:

DTK Game Day Nonsense Playtest

Standard Rhadamanthus


I went 2-2 on Saturday and 3-2 on Sunday for 0 Thunderbreak Regents and a lot of fun. On each day, one match loss was fair and square and the other was a completely bizarre situation where I had to mulligan into oblivion and didn't even get to play.

April 20, 2015 9:43 a.m.

Rayenous says... #7

I placed 9th with this deck

Blasted Soul Playtest

Standard* Rayenous


If it were not for game 3 of a round having me draw 5 land in a row, I would have made top 8. - From there I would have had a strong chance of getting 1st or 2nd... most of those who got top 8 are good match ups for me.

April 20, 2015 9:52 a.m.

abenz419 says... #8

Took my Abzan deck to game day. Didn't lose a single match all day and walked out with a new play mat. Take a look if you want.

abzan mastery Playtest

Standard abenz419


April 20, 2015 10:09 a.m.

6tennis says... #9

Somewhat. Mono-Black Aggro has always been a thing, but not necessarily in Standard. With big above-curve creatures like Master of the Feast and Pitiless Horde, and weenies like Bloodsoaked Champion and Gnarled Scarhide, it can become a thing again. I didn't do so well (I had bought it the day before, not much time for testing), but here it is:

Too many things! (Mono-Black Aggro) Playtest

Standard 6tennis


April 20, 2015 10:54 a.m.

cklise says... #10

I won my game day with what I would consider to be something of a home brew. I've been phasing out of Standard since just after Khans came out, so a lot of my deck came from Khans or earlier. I ran monowhite heroic/prowess. There was a fair amount of luck involved with ultimate victory, but I was pleased that I pulled it off.

I don't have a list to post, as I had only slapped the deck together the morning before Game Day, but my two all stars were Center Soul and Seeker of the Way.

April 20, 2015 11:19 a.m.

6tennis says... #11

Just noticed - are the guy from Center Soul and Seeker of the Way the same?

April 20, 2015 11:20 a.m.

pookypuppy6 says... #12

Grand Hand feat. The Psychic Bitchslap went 0-4, but really should have gone 1-3 if I wasn't such a tired, error-making loony. It was super fun to play and flummoxed some people. The highlight was winning a game by triple Roasting three Courser of Kruphix and finishing on 46 life!

April 20, 2015 11:24 a.m.

subrosian says... #13

I brought my extremely fragile UG Flash/Morph deck to Game Day:

Mysterious Forces (UG Tempo) Playtest

Standard* subrosian

SCORE: 41 | 0 COMMENTS | 10801 VIEWS

I went 2-2, beating Abzan aggro and a weird Grixis dragony control deck and losing to Abzan control and BW warriors. Overall I think the deck is okay right now, but it just isn't flexible enough. It doesn't have access to the format's really versatile spells like Abzan (Abzan Charm, Dromoka's Command, etc.) and it doesn't get a cheap almost-Counterspell (Silumgar's Scorn) like UBx Dragon Control. I think the control and midrange matchups are decent and good respectively, but any aggro list will be difficult. Regardless, I enjoy playing the deck and surprising people with not-often-used creatures like Silumgar Sorcerer and Horizon Chimera.

Would it be too much to ask for a rare counter target creature or planeswalker spell? Or maybe another Syncopate reprint? :D

April 20, 2015 11:29 a.m.

HavokX says... #14

Similar to one of the posters above, I brought my jeskai heroic/prowess deck but I went 1-2. I didn't feel bad though because this was the first time I played it on paper in a competitive setting and I learned a lot. Normally I've been doing my testing on MTGO but the people there kinda suck :/

April 20, 2015 11:47 a.m.

HavokX says... #15

But what surprised everyone was Shu Yun, the Silent Tempest and his ability to swing for at least 8 out of nowhere!

April 20, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Goalith says... #16

I built a janky five colour morph deck with only one of each life land, one of each tri-land, one of each charms, one copy of selected morph cards and a few trail of mystery and secret plans. Went 3-2, and ending up at 14th. Lost to UBw control and Decent of Dragon combo deck.

Had a lot of fun and many people scratching their heads when using removal

April 20, 2015 3:37 p.m.

JaceArveduin says... #17

Goalith That sounds rather fun... I've been meaning to make something similar myself.

Sadly, I didn't get to go, but I'd have probably used my shiny new Strength of the Fallen/Nighthowler enchantment creature deck that I've recently made. Though if not that, than my Blue Weaponsmith/Heart-Piercer Bow arty deck.

April 20, 2015 5:15 p.m.

Named_Tawyny says... #18

Abzaconda Playtest

Standard Named_Tawyny


I decided to try out an Assault Formation deck at Game Day. Went 3-1, finished third. Lost to Abzan Midrange (the eventual champion), beat Abzan Control, RDW, and BW Warriors.

April 20, 2015 11:42 p.m.

kengiczar says... #19

I built Esper, Kill Everything within two-three days of watching Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir live coverage for the top 8. I got second place @ Gameday this Sunday without any Temple of Enlightenment or Valorous Stance, which really, should probably go into any Ojutai deck.

Seeing the professionals also abandon Icefall Regent and top 3 with all Esper Dragons makes me extremely proud of the fact that I've been telling my friends for weeks that the Icefall is overrated and that i've been so adamant about playing Esper.

Right now the biggest difference between my deck and theirs is mine is more of just an Esper deck while theirs are definitely Esper Dragon decks.

April 21, 2015 12:36 p.m.

draco1430 says... #20

I piloted a jund dragons deck to 3-1 at my store. Won against a Sidisi Whip Deck, a Naya dragons with a splash of black, and a GR midrange deck. My only loss was too a Atarka red aggro deck, only because game 2 I couldnt pull a 5th land for a stormbreath dragon.

April 21, 2015 3:22 p.m.

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