GAMEDAY, How did you do:
Standard forum
Posted on March 1, 2014, 1:26 p.m. by Schuesseled
Well Gameday is here, just got back from the first one, will go to another. Her'es how i got on, please post how you boys and girls did.
Revel In The Power Of A Jund Blitzkrieg
2nd Place, (2-0, 2-0, 2-1, 1-2), 12 players.
Noteworthy prizes: Phenax, God of Deception , traded the full-art seer for a promo Sylvan Caryatid .
Round 1 vs Mono-Green Devotion. (2-0)
This deck was piloted by a young fellow, he played well but his deck either had a lot of crap in it (lots of devotion based life gain stuff) or he just wasn't drawing his cool cards. Either way I trampled over him very quickly with Fanatic of Xenagos and Domri Rade blasted off in the first game with his ultimate. Great way to start a tournament. No sides.
Round 2 vs Gruul Something. (2-0)
Not sure what to categorize this deck as, all the g/r stuff he had in his collection perhaps. Didn't have to expend a great deal of effort to win this match-up, I was mana screwed for three turns in the second match, still won without trouble. Flame-Wreathed Phoenix did some good work here, with my opponent lacking meaningful kill spells, he sensibly had these two come in as 3/3's. Which hammered away at him for a bit and switched to defensive mode, chump blocking his one creature with a respectable body whilst Stormbreath Dragon proceeded to roast him alive.
Round 3 vs Bant Aura's. (2-1)
Getting into some serious competition now, I new what i would face as soon as I sat down. This gentlemen has been known for playing the old bant hexproof in the past, this new iteration isn't quite as strong as it used to be. But it's still scary. I won the first match-up with Stormbreath Dragon
being unanswerable and Abrupt Decay
sniping his Fleecemane Lion
as it went super-saiyan. I sided out my Flame-Wreathed Phoenix
because it got d-sphere'd which make's it less useful and my Putrefy
's as half of his creatures can't be targeted. In comes Golgari Charm
for pinging enchantments and Whip of Erebos
just in case. The second match didn't go well, no black mana was disastrous, could stop his lion nor bring in the whip. The final amtch on the other hand started poorly but i turned it around with Abrupt Decay
once again taking out his lion before it became silly, nuking two enchantments as well a 3 for 1. He d-sphered both by Fanatic of Xenagos
's, I bring them back in with Golgari Charm
and proceed to pummel him to defeat.
Round 4 vs Gary's Golgari (1-2)
A promising start and a quick victory. But then things took a turn for the worse, suddenly there's an answer for all my threat's and no answers for his. A side in choice of Slaughter Games didn't work as i didn't draw it. And a sided in Whip of Erebos backfires hugely as Deathrite Shaman make's it a floppy whip, Erebos, God of the Dead even killed the life gain. Final was over very quickly, but I got second and had a great time. (fucking shaman)
actiontech says... #3
Wow lucky you. I had to deal with the real-deal G/R monsters (loss 2-1), then MBD (loss 0-2), then was 1-1 against a GW hexproof deck and said F this and left. I always draw the freaking pros when I go to these things and always have to try to dig out of an 0-2 or 1-1 hole. I wish I could draw scrubs for two rounds. It'd be nice to have a cushion going into the final rounds.
March 1, 2014 5:22 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #4
I'm not gonna lie, it was some favourable match-ups to begin with there. Usually i get stomped in the first round or two then get matched with the nooby decks.
March 1, 2014 5:28 p.m.
InconspicuousPotato says... #5
I went 4-0 and got first with Who Says Simic isn't Good?. I don't really remember the matches but I got 12 red mana with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx because of Progenitor Mimic copying Boros Reckoner . That was fun when I monstroused Polukranos, World Eater with 34 mana.
March 1, 2014 7:58 p.m.
Magic Robots and Flying Goats (Advice Welcome!)
6th Place, 3-1-1 (2-0, 2-0, 0-2, 2-1, Intentional Draw) 17 players
Played my first Standard deck I've ever built at my first Standard event! There were a LOT of control decks floating around, but I managed to do some surprising damage with my non-meta Izzet deck against some of the slower ones with some decent removal baiting . Got destroyed by Azorius Control (In friendlies. We chose to ID to guarantee top 8), and had terrible draws (Mulligan to 4-5 cards and still unplayable hands) against an Orzhov deck I lost against.
Easily outraced a R/W Battalion deck in first round, won against my U/B Control friend I play against a lot, terrible luck against Orzhov, lost a game to a Esper Mill/Control but won the Sideboard game, and then the ID last round against the Azorius deck.
Control is just everywhere it seems right now and is super annoying to play around. It was nice to have enough options to get out some fast burn and combo damage against the decks before they really get fully online. I'm pretty satisfied with the results from a casual homebrew deck I've only made since getting into M:tG over the few months!
March 1, 2014 10:51 p.m.
Rasta_Viking29 says... #9
2nd out of 32 at Denver Central Games
Jund Monsters - Get Yo Revel On Playtest
SCORE: 6 | 0 COMMENTS | 537 VIEWS Top 8: 03/01Overall: 5-2
Games: 12-6
Swiss: 7-2 4th place
Match 1 2-0
Maze's End
Turbo Fog.
Great warm up. On to match 2.
Match 2 1-2
U/w Devotion
Eventual champ had the play, I mulled to 5, and he won game 1. Post board I feel much better with Mistcutter Hydra and removal. Im able to grind through with Mistcutter, Domri Rade , Reaper of the Wilds , and removal. Game 3 with the play he got a Mistcutter off the top with Nightveil Specter which was my only hope as I was just staying alive.
Match 3 2-0
Naya Aggro
Power level of his deck was lower and I had more play experience.
Match 4 2-0
G/R Aggro
There were scary moments but Monsters came through.
Top 8 5-4
Quarter Final 2-1
Red Aggro
Monsters having the play is nice and my deck won both getting big and I lost when on the draw.
Semi-Final 2-1
He was #1 and had the play, I won game 1 with Reaper. He won game 2 with 2x Gray Merchant of Asphodel of 8-10. Game 3 was Reaper again, makes this match up so much better.
Final 1-2
U/w Devotion
Pretty much the same as in swiss round. Of note in game 3 I miss-played on turn 4 by Mizzium Mortars ing a Tidebinder Mage with 2x Ultimate Price in hand only to get beat by 2x Specters on the next 2 turns. He had played turn 3 Thassa, God of the Sea . Wonder if it would have been different with the right play.
On to the PTQ on the 8th!
March 2, 2014 1 a.m.
notamardybum says... #10
Ended up with 1st, played esper control.
I now have a game day mat and 3 Pain Seer promos up for sale.
March 2, 2014 9:48 p.m.
I placed 5th, pulled a Brimaz out of my prize packs, and of course got my gameday Pain Seer and Kiora's Follower. I consider that a pretty successful weekend
March 2, 2014 10:52 p.m.
jeffmcormick says... #12
Got 3rd place with my new mono red deck. Mono blue won and esper got 2nd.
March 4, 2014 6:59 p.m.
Deck Used:
Esper Control with a Twist! Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 4 COMMENTS | 210 VIEWSMan I really should have done better! I went 2-2 scoring 10th place out of 16 people. I lost to Selesnya Aggro rounds 1 and 2. Than beat MGD and WBU the other two matches.
March 4, 2014 8:25 p.m.
Xenagos & Domri PartyWent to Gameday, got my hat handed to me. I finished 13 out of 21, so right about where I normally finish. I made some last-minute changed before the tourney, including getting another Savageborn Hydra and a not-quite-a-dragon Flame-Wreathed Phoenix . I'm not sure if they're keepers.
Match 1: Brimaz ate my hope in a nifty blue-white deck. I have to pay better attention to math when Brimaz is on the field 0-2
Match 2: I faced a deck that I could not get a good hand against. I don't even remember the cards that beat me. I suspect anther Brimaz. 0-2
Match 3: I faced a guy with a borrowed deck that wasn't that good. It was Boros battalion, and I crushed it handily. I kinda felt sorry for the guy. 2-0
Match 4: Faced black/white humans. This was my best match of the day. I won 2-1.
Match 5: Faced a rogue Chromanticore build. I survived the first boardwipe, but succumbed to the second. My sideboarded cards never came into play. 1-2.
Overall, it was an okay tourney. I was a little sad that the first two opponents I faced were so tough. They were some of the more serious players at my lgs. I do like sticking around and playing through the tournament, though, since I get matched with players with closer resources & skills.
March 4, 2014 10:24 p.m.
Nigrescence says... #15
I went 5-0 with my Esper deck and got into the top 8. Lost to first match against R/G Monsters when I did not draw kill spells or Supreme Verdict . Such is luck. Such is Magic. Still got that Pain Seer promo, so that's nice.
Here's my deck. I'm very pleased with how it performs against the decks that are running, and it does very well against a control matchup.
Esper of the Gods (4-0 at FNM) Playtest
SCORE: 15 | 4 COMMENTS | 2646 VIEWSMarch 4, 2014 10:28 p.m.
lord_of_the_snakes says... #16
i came in 2nd, unfortunately, i had a band competition at the same time, so thats how i did in the band competition...
March 5, 2014 5:44 p.m.
Nigrescence- that sounds almost identical to what happened to me one FNM! Except I didn't get a promo Pain Seer :)
I got into top 8 going 4-0-1 and lost to G/R Monsters round 1 in top 8.
Putrefy says... #2
Went 3-1-1 (we ID'd to be secure Top8, we played it out for fun and I won) in the swiss rounds, and failed at Top4 1-2 against Mono-Black-Aggro.
The Games:
1st Match against G/R Monsters 2-1
As I expected my deck was favored here. Dreadbore and Ultimate Price handeld his threats as he had no answers to my fatties. Kept a greedy hand in the 2nd game and therefore went 2-1.
2nd Match against U/W Control 2-1
Game 1, being on the play I have a dream-start. T2 Courser of Kruphix , T3 Polukranos, World Eater attack him down to 18. T4 (he has 2 untapped lands, and one scry-land tapped) I put my 4th land and reveal Stormbreath Dragon on the top. Attack him with double-bloodrush Ghor-Clan Rampager down to 3 life. As he knows, that I have Stormbreath Dragon as my next draw he concedes.
Game 2 we don't play at all. I keep a hand with Temple of Abandon , Elvish Mystic , 2 Domri, Courser, Stormbreath and sided Golgari Charm. Sadly I don't get to see a 2nd land and I concede after he plays T4 Jace into T5 Rev for 2 into T6 Elspeth.
Game 3 let's call it: "Threat-overload". Being on the play I have T2 Domri Rade , he has to tap out on T3 to D-Sphere my Domri, cannot answer my 2nd Domri until it's too late. The sided Xenagos, The Reveler and a timely Rakdos's Return prove crucial as I make him play from the top of his deck, which has no useful tools for him.
3rd Match against Mono-Black Aggro 1-2
Game 1 he crushes my as I would expect G1 to go.
Game 2 I can deny early life-loss and keep his board empty with the additional Mortars and Decays. I get to stick a Reaper with Mana for protection, followed by a Xenagod and Polukranos, overloading his removal.
Game 3 I was really upset losing this one... We have parity until T4. I decide to play Polukranos, World Eater and keep my Reaper back to play it on T5 with mana for protection. Sadly he rips Lifebane Zombie off the top and Reaper from my hand. Some turns and 1-for-1 trades later I get to stick a Reaper with protection, which he answers with Herald of Torment bestowed on his Lifebane. To mock me even more, my deck decided to show me the crucial and game-winning Abrupt Decay on the top (had Courser of Kruphix in play) the turn I die to his flying Zombie.
4th Match against U/W-Control 2-0
Game 1 funny side-note: I played against a friend of mine and I was jokingly saying that his first 7 would be all lands and mine would be T2 Domri. As it turned out, our hands were exactly that...It all comes down to one crucial turn. He casts Revelation and gets up to 17. I get to untap with Stormbreath in play. I monstrous, he takes 4 from his 4 cards goes to 13, I have exatly 13 dmg as I attack him with Stormbreath (7), Courser (2) and a blood-rushed Ghor-Clan (4).
Game 2 this was really sad. He keeps Plains, Island, Mutavault, Dissolve, Dissolve, Last Breath and Azorious Charm. Looks like a solid hand. However his deck decided to dick around. He draws a 2nd Plains and no land afterwards. After my Domri going Ultimate he concedes. He then showed me a hand of 4 Dissolve and 3 Sphinx's Revelation . Sometimes Magic is a b*tch.
5th Match against Jund-Monsters 1-1 (ID, we played the games out, I go 2-1)
Yeah we didn't really play seriously. He was playing the Kent Ketter list without Rampager. These beasts proved to be very good.
Top 8
QF against Esper-Control 2-1
Game 1 I never see a Domri Rade and he runs away with the game after Sphinx for 6 and then Sphinx for 8.
Game 2 I can get him down to 10 life. He then casts Detention Sphere on my Ruric Thar, the Unbowed and has I think 10 mana open, goes to 4 life. I have a Stormbreath Dragon and Mizzium Mortars (he played BBV) left in my hand. I'm thinking: now would be a good time to draw Abrupt Decay . Did it, played it, he concedes, as he has only counter-spells and no Revelation left.
Game 3 I can understand his frustration. It was basically T2 Domri, he D-Spheres, T3 Domri, he D-Spheres when it is on 7, I meanwhile have Xenagos, The Reveler and like 5 or 6 Satyr in play. Sadly for him I have another Domri Rade and when he has to tap out and use 2 Supreme Verdict to clear my board due to Golgari Charm I'm pretty confident in winning because he cannot counter my Ruric Thar, the Unbowed . His hand is empty, he draws a Sphinx's Revelation and I slam Stormbreath Dragon for the win. He was really mad, but hey, that's what you sign up for when you play U/W. Sometimes your opponent just plays more threats than you have answers...
SF against Mono-Black Aggro 1-2
G1 he expectedly wins, as I somehow end up with 4 mana in play and 4 Stormbreath Dragon in my hand. I do love the Dragon a lot really. But against this mono-black aggro deck he is the worst draw you could have.
I take G2 after I can stick a Reaper with protection after I wiped his board with overloaded Mizzium Mortars
G3 can be described best as: This is Magic: The Gathering. I keep a hand with Mutavault , Temple of Malice , Sylvan Caryatid , Elvish Mystic , Domri Rade , 2 x Mizzium Mortars . Having 12 Green sources and basically 3 turns to draw them (I was thinking I needed to cast Mortars on 2 to answer Pack Rat anyways) I though it was a good keep. However my deck thought it would be funny to supply me with my 2nd copy of Mutavault and then nothing for 4 turns. When it's time and I hit my 4th land it's a basic Forest and still let's me not cast my 2 Dreadbore in hand. Long story short, I couldn't recover from the early disadvantage and he luckily takes down G3.
My deck is awesome. Like super-awesome. I love every least bit about it and will not change a thing until PTQ next week. I lost twice against Mono-Black-Aggro which took 1st seed on 4-0-1 and looks like it could be the real thing. However it was 2 very close matches, which I could've won easily if things go different (and by that I don't even mean he has to be screwed or flooded or I don't have a chance). Stand-out cards to me are Courser of Kruphix , Domri Rade , Ghor-Clan Rampager and Reaper of the Wilds . Courser is so ridiculously good. If you play any green creature-based strategy and you don't play Courser something in your head is very wrong. The card has "value" written underneath it. Operating on Domri and Courser is just sick. At times I drew like 3 cards per turn (card from top, domri +1 and land from library with courser). Reaper proved to be very useful in the mirror and against mono-black. It has basically no answer other than Devour Flesh . And even that is pretty loose, given the amount of creatures I have. Also most mono-black lists shift towards Bile Blight and away from Devour Flesh . I'm pretty happy I put back in Ghor-Clan Rampager . The card won me at least 3 games today. I don't think I have to say much about Domri Rade . Easily the best PW right now. Well at least a close 2nd to Elspeth, Sun's Champion .
March 1, 2014 3:20 p.m.