G/B Dredge's Matchups?
Standard forum
Posted on April 30, 2014, 10:33 p.m. by Arorsthrar
I recently started playing G/B dredge as JOU gave the deck a few more key cards and Temple of Malady . The deck has already been somewhat successful in major tournaments (though seemingly not enough for people to run Rest in Peace , Crypt Incursion , and Rakdos Charm in the SB). How are G/B dredge's match ups against the following archetypes and how should I alter how I play to beat them?
Mono Black Devotion
Mono Blue Devotion (and variants)
U/W/X Control
Black, Red, Green, or White Aggro
G/R/X monsters
Mono blue and black can beat it easily, mono red and r/w burn can destroy it easily, control can take it no problem you have to be really lucky and really good to run the deck it seems like. Theres just some times that you miss hard on dredges but some matchups ive had against it were just brutal
May 1, 2014 12:32 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #4
I disagree that control has an easy matchup v Dredge; in fact, Dredge decks definitely have the upper hand imo. You have Lotleth Troll and Bestow creatures against Supreme Verdict , not to mention that wiping the board only makes Nighthowler , Nemesis of Mortals and Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord that much better. Whip of Erebos is a nightmare for control decks, and you have access to Mistcutter Hydra on the side, and let's not forget Golgari Charm . You can only run 4 Detention Sphere and there are many more threats that demand it.
Otherwise, Dredge definitely is at a disadvantage v MUD and Monsters, Burn is pretty bad as well, the MBD / Orzhov matchup is fairly even (tho that could change with Silence the Believers ), and mono White is also a toss-up.
The problem with the deck is that, if it ever becomes really popular, there's some horrible sideboard hate that people could run against it, including many of the cards the OP mentioned.
May 1, 2014 2:11 a.m.
Enlightened_Jedi says... #5
The biggest problem I have when I run Dredge, is Azorius Charm (on a suited up guy) and burn, burn burn burn. Kills it.
APPLE01DOJ says... #2
I can't speak for G/B Dredge but GB midrange has a fair match up vs MBD, usually stomps MUD.
U/W & Mono-U Control/Monsters really depend on the draws.
Haven't played much Aggro besides Selesnya and that match can be tough game 1. Lifebane Zombie helps game 2.
R/B Control can be a fairly easy match.
April 30, 2014 11:50 p.m.